As human beings, we alone, in all of creation, have the inherent ability to live uniquely in diverse realms – the spiritual world and the material world. I believe that our human soul is the platform, even the launching pad, of humanity’s created trichotomy, where body and spirit become one with the soul at the point of faith in Christ.
This is psyche, and it is our uniqueness as human beings. Self-awareness and self-consciousness are the platforms of the soul, which connects us to God through the human spirit. We become, again, as God had created us originally – a trichotomous being.
Christ died to restore us to our original intent: a relationship with God. Tripartite creatures serving, loving, fellowshipping, and obeying God. We were a part of God until the fall. But God made provision for our restoration and reconciliation – the cross – and now, God is a part of each believer by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Believers belong to God and can never fall again because of God in us. What an awesome God.
After salvation (faith in Christ) the believer is rejoined to his Creator (by his Creator), and this restoration reconnects the spiritually born-again believer to God. As a result, our human spirit, even our very soul, is in line with God. We not only house the essence of God in our person (body, soul, and spirit) but we can now express God to others. Therefore, after salvation, we are left on earth as God’s own ambassadors.
There is an inherent hunger in humans for God – few there be that find Him. Our born-again human spirit is the connecting-rod between earth and Heaven, between God and man. God hot wires us to Himself at the faith-point. We are literally designed to crave God. This is our completeness – our innermost desire. Therefore, God gave us Christ (His Son), God gave us His Word (the cannon of Scripture), and God gave us His own Spirit (the Holy Spirit). God gave us God.
Be full. Be filled. Be at peace.
Our relationship with God is pre-designed by God – it is meant to be fulfilling – it will be perfect when we leave this body. We are here on earth as ambassadors. We are to be obedient to our Lord. We must learn to exercise our divinely-given authority with humility and compassion.
Are you aware that the seas have paths? Reference Psalm 8:3-8.
That which God ordained in eternity goes undaunted in time.
All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.