Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Seventy-Four)



The fog-mist settles at evening over the Shenandoah River, then at morning it rises to a point of the vanishing – and so are the days of our lives. We appear for a little time and then… vanish away (James 4:14).

One must understand that eternity is written upon the hearts of us all, therefore eternal life is the reason we yearn for Truth. The soul is empty by separation from God, for it is He who breathes soul-life to begin life at birth (physical-biological).

Be steadfast, unmovable (1 Corinthians 15:58); God promised salvation (no condemnation) to those in Christ.

Salvation is based strictly on God’s veracity, demonstrated by the cross, then the resurrection and the ascension as proof of His veracity. He, Christ, will return again, as promised (Matthew 20:64). Keep looking up. Stay calm and cool. Believe (Acts 15:31).

We have the Word of God. We have the words of man.

Choose whom you will follow.

God’s forgiveness is always visible throughout history, it is the same with His justice. “All things work together…” – a redemptive thread, interwoven in the mosaic of the unrolling scroll (Romans 8:28).

The nature of our self-perspective is that we do not see the real self.

In marriage and in every other relationship in life we must see beyond ourselves, and then live there in humility and service. We must learn to forgive and be faithful and we must learn God’s perspective, then live it faithfully. In relationships, be wise – be faithful first to the Lord, be obedient to the Lord, and be truthful with ourselves.

P. S. The Lord has a plan. As believers in Christ, we must stop filtering our true self with untruth.

I am a sinner in my flesh. I have many issues that God is dealing with patiently and faithfully because He wants to transform my thinking from self to Him. I sin every day. Like the Apostle Paul, I die every day. But by God’s mercy and grace, I am born-again – forgiven (1 Corinthians 16:57-58).

If we resist the wind, we are lifted.

If we resist sin, we are lifted.

From my cellar of consciousness I have risen to follow the winds, and I shall never return.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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