Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Seventy-Five)



Our Lord Jesus Christ anthropomorphized God so we could form an understanding. This is called the incarnation.

Even if each person set their own standards of morality, they still could not keep those standards. We cannot even be true to self. How then can we be so blind to not see our own wretchedness? We live a life of denial anchored in pride, manifested as arrogance. We live in an anthropocentric world.

Why would anyone want to own the night when God owns the day.

Education is cluttered with needless detail to justify the ridiculous fees for learning what is not necessary.

The beloved moments in life knocked on life’s door unannounced.

The glory of the story is the light in the words.

The virtue is to see things through and to see through things.

I believe moral freedom is the result of discipline in obedience, and liberty is preserved in society by respect for law, order, and all mankind. Compliance with the Laws of Divine Establishment is an imperative of independence.

The past lives on in our memory as the present comes and goes in a disappearing presence. The future is always ahead, but never assured.

Sometimes I feel as though I have walked through the corridors of time and reality. Wonder and imagination, perception and understanding, linger as doors within these corridors, waiting patiently for those who would enter. That which I have seen in the corridors I have envisioned in the here and now of my present reality. But when I go to the corridors, I am fascinated and somehow filled in different ways, indescribable but peaceful and perfect. I have been blessed without merit, graced without disgraced, and loved.

Somehow, I know for sure that I will forever sing and dance before the throne of my Savior – whistle, too, with my mother. That happiness is just inexpressible.

Time is not a closed door. Quite the contrary. Time is an open door to eternity, and Christ holds open said door for anyone who will enter.

Each day brings with it the possibility of eternity, at any moment, and that is awesome.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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