Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Fifty)



We’ve all learned very well to listen to the world. It comes natural to us. But as believers, we must learn to listen to our bodies (health reasons), and we need to listen to the Holy Spirit. The world reveals human viewpoint. It also reveals divine viewpoint, which are the doctrines of the bible. Our flesh is never-satisfied lust – the devil’s agents are always lurking.

We constantly battle with unseen things – the world, the flesh, the agents of satan, hence good and evil – because we know both. We are both good and evil. God rejected both.

Divine good has always rejected human good. God immediately rejected the first act of human good when Adam and Eve tried to cover themselves with fig leaves to hide their nakedness and shame. Christ took the fig leaves away and made them a covering that was acceptable to the Father – the foreshadowing of Christ’s death on the cross for us.

God is the mature believer’s super hero on the stage of human history.

Threads of spiritual heritage from the wisdom of ages are sewn together to form the mosaic of God’s love throughout the ages.

God’s love for us was poured out for us in eternity past, with the result that our love for God is poured out toward God in our lives as we live for God. This outpouring of our love for God overflows from the truths of God’s Word circulating in the ever-flowing stream of love and consciousness in our soul – the Holy Spirit being the cause of our love for God. So, to me, as I understand God’s Love, it never ceases to flow from God and through us, and back to God.

Therefore, God’s love and our love have intrinsic relationship, enclosed in and endless cycle of love – the concept of “we are one with God.” We are one because of Christ. Christ died once, for all, executing the Father’s plan. The Holy Spirit reveals God’s plan of love, which flows from God through the cross of justice. (Romans 8:35,39; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Ephesian 3:19).


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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