Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Fifty-Seven)



If the universe “came from nothing,” then why couldn’t it have come from God? Which theory requires more faith? Which is more probable?

(P.S. Stephen Hawking (evolution’s own ‘god’) once said, “The universe willed itself into existence.” Do with that one what you will, dear reader.)

Even if we ask, “Who made God?” or “Where did God come from?” are we making God a contingent entity? If God is contingent, he is not God. If God isn’t God, who is? There is no higher answer, no higher authority. There is nothing beyond God.

The path before all of us will take us wherever we choose, or wherever God chooses. Either way, God has a perfect plan.

Every time a lost soul is saved, divine mercy is given a human face.

When the last person elected to immortality is saved during the Church-Age, the rapture will occur. And we will all know first-hand, experientially, what it is like to be a child of the Father, face to face with the Son.

We have become a society full of pleasures and possessions, suffocating in our own greed and immortality.

We cannot, as Christians, build our temples on the ruins of others. We must allow God to build His temple in us and through us. Spiritual (“religious”) liberty sustains human dignity and preserves the gospel for each generation.

Character, creed, and conscience – what do these mean to you? They should mean everything to you because they represent personal human dignity and they protect human freedom.Without God, anything goes.

Humanism does not allow man to rise to greatness, it frees man to hang himself in the depths of decadence.

Pleasure cannot fill an empty soul.

The cross offers salvation, the resurrection proves it.

We need to challenge and dismiss our comfort zone and realize that we must step out and lead by example. Lead by following Christ.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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