Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Fifty-Eight)



The power of the Holy Spirit, by and through the cross, breaks the chains of sin and death.

Every noble ideal is empty apart from Christ.

When the still small voice of God becomes a thundering judgment, then intellectuals will realize their own stupidity and arrogance, but it will be too late.

The edge of knowledge is a two-edged sword. The viewpoint of knowledge is 360°.

The essence of knowledge is infinite.

Mankind alone, of all living creatures who inhabit the earth, has the ability to appreciate the beauty, grandeur, and complexities of God’s creation. This fact alone should tell us God is God and there is no other.

Survival is spiritual – death is fleshly.

I am astonished by the subtleness of old age as it creeps into my flesh and slowly takes control.

The horizon on fire would soon dismiss the flames, releasing emeralds of green and gold and, finally, black.

Do we not all keep our private personality private (except from God)?

In the western region of our great country, the night sky is incredible, filled with white diamonds and crystals.

From a mountain top or a jet looking down, the big city looked like white diamonds. Looking up and looking down didn’t really matter, except one view was fulfilled with evidence of life, the other with evidence of God.

Glory is His name – the cross of Christ I claim.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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