Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Fifty-Four)



I suppose we could say that matter is most real to our senses. But, having said that, matter only substitutes for the unseen spiritual reality we cannot see while in the flesh. Therefore our deepest longings that go unfulfilled are for the resurrection of, or restoration of, our original senses (Hebrews 11:1).

It is the frivolous that causes us to look for perfection. Peace and joy is what true reality is about. Justice guards righteousness here on earth and in eternity. I have tasted of this eternity because Christ dwells within me and the taste is inspiring. Have you tried the taste test? Believe and receive.

Salvation is personal between Christ and each individual. Christ is the reality of life, living in the believer – this reality is eternal, and the believer’s possession forever.

A peace treaty between two countries is like the democrats and republicans agreeing to work together – each party defrauds the other and themselves.

Freedom should be guided by love, guarded by justice, enjoyed by giving and sharing our faith and our bounties.

Truth is suppressed by untruth, and man in his self-righteousness, arrogance, rebellion and legalism is without excuse. Why? → Romans 1:20-25, 26-32, 2:1-16.

Man walks in the futility of his own mind (Ephesians 4:17). Man, by going after worthless things in the world, becomes worthless… remains worthless (Jeremiah 2:5).

Try doing good or being nice to those who hate you, even more try doing good and being nice to those you hate (Luke 6:27).


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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