
The literal meaning of regeneration is “being born again” (John 3:3,5,7). There is a first birth “of the flesh” and a second birth “of the spirit” (John 3:1-12). The spiritual birth occurs when a person, by faith alone, accepts the “finished” work of Christ on the cross for their personal salvation (John 3:16; 19:30).    

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Redemption encompasses the saving work of Christ on the cross whereby He purchased us (paid our debt) and set us free from the slave market of sin. Jesus Christ paid the ransom with His blood, which represents His spiritual death (Roman 3:24; Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:14;  1 Peter 1:18-19).    

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Christ is the ultimate Redeemer. He gave His life as a “ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). Believers have redemption through His blood (His spiritual death – Ephesians 1:7). He literally bought us back from our slavery to sin. We are free. Our slavery to sin is over. Won’t you slip out of the chains that bind you and walk out…

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The doctrine of reconciliation is stated as such in 2 Corinthians 5:18, Ephesians 2:16, and Colossians 1:20-21. It means we have “peace” with God through our Savior Jesus Christ. “Peace” and “reconciliation” are synonymous terms in Ephesians 2:14,15,17; 4:3; 6:15. The actual work of reconciliation was completed on the cross. We become reconciled the split second we believe in Christ….

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Pseudo Spirituality

“Pseudo” means false or counterfeit, and refers to man’s system of rules and rituals and/or satan’s system called “religion.” Religion is defined as satan’s ace trump whereby man believes that man’s way to God is being good, earning his own salvation by his own merit – his own good deeds, being a good person, etc. All religions require man to…

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Pre-designed Plan of God/Grace (Galatians 5:16; Ephesians 3:18). Pre-designed means God’s provision for every believer was preordained in eternity past. This “pre-ordination” is called the Doctrine of Divine Decrees. PPG is God’s plan for every believer and He provides everything the believer needs to fulfill His plan. God’s policy toward mankind comes through the Cross and centers in Christ. PPPG (Personal Pre-designed…

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Pleroo – A Fullness

Pronounced, “play-row-oh,” meaning to be full or to fill a deficiency. At salvation we are devoid of biblical doctrine. We need to be filled with God’s Word. The believer must be “full” (filled with the Holy Spirit). When the believer is full of the Spirit, he is fully influenced by the Holy Spirit and Bible doctrine. Bible doctrine and the…

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Omnipotence of God

Omni means “all” and potent means “power.” Omnipotence is a Latin term and refers to God’s power. God is all-capable – there is nothing He cannot do. It is the attribute of total ability without limitation. God is all-powerful. Omnipotence is a Theological term used to describe the infinite and eternal power of the Trinity.    

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Occupation With Christ

As used and defined by this ministry, occupation with Christ has two parts, both are temporary, but the second is more on a full-time basis:   Fellowship: This is our daily walk with the Lord in fields of grace, which begins at spiritual birth. It is temporarily lost due to perpetual sin, but fellowship is regained or reactivated by the…

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Hebrew word for “breath of life” (soul life) from God, which imparts the human soul to the mediately-formed body at physical birth (Genesis 2:7). God gives to every living creature the breath of life. Nothing lives or breathes without God’s creative breath (Acts 17:25-28). All life owes God its living.    

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Negative Volition (Choice)

“Mataiotes” (met-eye-oh-tays) is a Greek word translated “vanity” in Ephesians 4:17. This is a vacuum created in the soul by negative volition against God or Bible doctrine. Negative volition is also rejecting the authority of the Bible as God’s Word; rejecting Christ and His cross for Salvation; rejecting the authority of the local church and/or your pastor. The believer can…

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The attempt to allegedly contact the dead, or spirits of the dead, for information. This is evil and dabbles in demonism. The dead cannot speak to us. Any “words” that come from a deceased loved-one are not their words, they are the words of demons. God forbids necromancy.    

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Mystery Doctrine

The current Church Age (a period of time from Pentecost to the Rapture) was not revealed in the Old Testament, but is now clearly delineated in the New Testament (Reference Ephesians 3:1-11; Colossians 1:24-29; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). We, today, are living with the things that those people in the Bible had no idea was coming (this is the “mystery” consistently…

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