
Chester A. McCalley, pastor/teacher of Beth Haven Church in North Kansas City, Mo., (now deceased and with the Lord), defined Humanism (human viewpoint) as: “a way of thinking where all doctrines, all attitudes, and all ways of life center on the values and interests of man. Man is the object of humanism and the source of it.” In other words,…

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Theory of development from earlier forms; the gradual development of something into a more complex or better form. The Bible (Divine Viewpoint) sees it differently: Romans 1 is foundational anthropology for the Christian. Verses 24-32 present man as he is and always has been since the fall. Verses 21-23 tell us how man got that way. 

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Scripture asserts the de-evolution of man (Genesis Chapter 3). This counters the evolutionary theory. God’s viewpoint sees man as the fall of something once great — Genesis Chapter Three. Man’s viewpoint on the other hand, sees himself as the rising up of something inferior. Theory of development from earlier forms. The gradual development of something into a more complex or…

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‘Theology’ comes from two words: “theos” which means God, and “logos” meaning word, or rational expression. Therefore theology is the study of God’s Word. Theology has many definitions. Theology pursues God-knowledge. Theology is the process of categorical instruction, illustration, exploration, extraction, and presentation of the revelations of/from God found in Scripture. Theology is the rational expressions of God’s Truths. Theology…

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Right Lobe Of The Brain

The dominant lobe of the mentality of the soul, designated by the Greek word kardia. The right lobe circulates Bible Doctrine through the soul’s stream of consciousness — frame of reference, memory center, vocabulary, categorical storage, the conscience, momentum and wisdom compartments — to support the spiritual life of the believer.

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Legalism – 2

The trend of mankind’s sin nature that makes futile attempts through human efforts to earn salvation, spirituality, or the approbation of God by some system of strict conformity to a code of conduct, ethics, religion, works, or morality. It is common to all religion and the Occult. Please note: Christianity is not a religion, it is a “relationship” with God…

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God’s Grace Resources

These resources are divine provisions for our spiritual comprehension, growth, and advancement, where we are “empowered” by the filling of the Holy Spirit which enables every believer to understand, learn, enjoy, and apply the entire realm of Bible Doctrine, regardless of education or human IQ. There are basically two kinds of IQ: human and spiritual.

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Human Good

“Human good” is deeds and works done in the flesh while out of fellowship (sin unconfessed), therefore produced by the flesh, NOT by the Spirit. Divine Good is produced by the Holy Spirit when the believer is “filled” of the Spirit. When filled with the Spirit, God the Holy Spirit is able to lead, guide and direct our path through…

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Divine Good

Divine Good is ‘Christian service and deeds produced by the believer filled with the Spirit.’ Only Divine Good is acceptable by Perfect God. “Human good” is deeds and works done in the flesh while out of fellowship (sin unconfessed). Human Good is NOT acceptable to God because human good is the production of the sin-nature. Only what is done IN…

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Faith And Faith-Rest

FAITH Faith is the acceptance of an established criterion as the basis of reality; it is confidence or belief in the authority and veracity of another. The assent (assent is the expression of approval or agreement) of the mind to the truth of a proposition, followed by acceptance and confidence. In theology, it is the assent of the mind to…

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Civil Disobedience

Civil disobedience refers to the action of disobedience (negative attitude followed by negative action), which is a manifested arrogance against the local civil, state, or federal laws. It is also a direct action (rebellion) against God and the laws of divine establishment, in that God sets up the principles of law for the benefit, protection, orderly function, survival and perpetuation…

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Degeneracy is the process of passing from a higher to a lower status — to decline progressively. Christian degeneracy is the decline to false or inferior standards, accompanied by loss of integrity. It is the subnormal status of fragmentation and reversionism, or “backsliding.”

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Election is the expression of the sovereign will of God in eternity past before creation of the universe, before anything existed (except the Godhead). Election is the sovereign right of God over His Creation. Election is a Biblical term that is applied to the believer and to angels. God ordained history based on His foreknowledge. See “Foreknowledge.”

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Abundant Life

John 10:10b: “I am come that they (Jews and Gentiles — all mankind) might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” This abundant life has application to the believer’s walk through fields of grace-life with the Lord, who leads the way home to heaven. But, it also speaks to Eternal Life (which is received at the point…

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