Human Good

Human good is deeds and works done in the flesh while out of fellowship (perpetual sin unconfessed), therefore produced by the flesh, not by the Spirit.

Divine good is produced by the Holy Spirit when the believer is “filled” of the Spirit. When filled with the Spirit, God the Holy Spirit is able to lead, guide, and direct our path through fields of grace. It is when the Holy Spirit controls the believer’s life that divine good is produced.

Divine Good is the only good acceptable to God. When the believer is in fellowship (yielded) the Holy Spirit produces divine good and the believer is rewarded in Heaven.

Human good is produced by both believers and unbelievers, and rejected by God in both cases. Human good is evil because it is an attempt by unbelievers to replace the cross of Christ. Human good is produced by believers who are “out of fellowship.” It is human activity which counterfeits the filling of the Holy Spirit. It is man doing the work and receiving the credit instead of God. It is counterfeit to God’s plan of salvation and His (PPG) for the Christian way of life. Human good comes from the area of strength of our sin nature and is dead works, totally unacceptable to God. Reference the term PPG.



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