(The seriousness of this study cannot be overstated.)
Originally written November 2017; updates come regularly.
“This timely message is of supreme importance. The preservation of our freedom as individuals and our Republic as a whole are at stake – the American way of life.” – C. S. Craig
What is really going on behind the scenes as portrayed by the biased and liberal-controlled propoganda-media?
Here is just part of the planned, subtle take-over of our country by evil men in high places. Don’t believe it? Then you have been totally duped. Now, read on. Consider these things with an open mind.
- Gun control (taking our guns away).
- Removing religion by claiming that religion is racism.
- Economic control by access to your personal financial records and bank accounts. Soon, the monetary system will change from currency to a micro electronic computer chip implanted under the skin, so that no one can buy and sell without it. It is becoming more and more difficult to use currency to buy and sell. Credit card use is skyrocketing and the individual debt of people around the globe should cause great alarm. When you reach the point of debt that you cannot pay it, they can take your house and other personal property, leaving you totally at their mercy. This is slavery. You have voted these people in office. And because the media presents propaganda, some are not even aware that thry are voting for evil. Global deception equals global control, opening the door to Satanic takeover by the anti-Christ.
- Electronic control of your vehicle; kill-switches mandated.
- Control of the media – TV networks, newspapers, radio, and online platforms. Untruth is now presented as truth, and people who lack, or are incapable of, critical-thinking are easily duped; they believe what they’re told because it is presented constantly, emotionally and with maximum fear-factor.
- Change our Constitution and Bill of Rights
Now, with these things in mind, re-think what is actually happening in America right now. This is only a beginning to the end of the Republic as we know it.
Anti is a prefix meaning against or hostile to. Anti-Christos means one who is against or hostile to Christ – a substitute or pseudo Christ.
In 1 John 2:18-22, the Apostle John uses both the singular and the plural form. In the singular it refers to the end times, the Tribulation period. Using the plural form anti-Christos here, John is referring to the Philosophies of Man… “Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah)?” Anti-Christs were already active in the first century when John wrote this letter. Anti-Christs have been active all through the centuries.
The supreme liars are the ones who deny that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, that He was both man and God. In 1 John 3:4, sin is lawlessness. John uses lawlessness here in its broadest sense – defection from God’s standards, or thinking independently of God. Therefore, the philosophies of man are anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-Bible, and therefore anti-American.
Why is it that we think independently of God? The answer to this question literally goes back before time, before the beginning of human history to a point in eternity past when satan began to think independently of God.
I’m so glad I was raised in the 1940’s and 1950’s and attended public schools when God and country were respected and saluted. Every morning we would stand and salute our United States flag and the Republic for which it stood by repeating this wonderful patriotic PLEDGE: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which is stands, One nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.”
National freedom must be protected from evil men. America must have armed forces so well armed and so powerful that no nation would dare to attack. Freedom is earned by men ready to fight, ready to kill the enemy.
Freedom is not free! A strong military prevents war and preserves the national entity.
The character of the American people at some point in the near future will be tested like never before. Our very culture and government leadership is being invaded by far left liberals (socialist takeover). Christianity is threatened and undermined by the philosophies of men: Liberalism, socialism, humanism, materialism/consumerism, and communism.
Places of the highest power are under siege by evil men in high places (behind the scenes). These same evil men conspire to take over the highest offices and the global economic system, thereby giving rise to the anti-Christ of end time prophecy.
MARK OF THE BEAST (Revelation 13:16-18)
In reading Revelation 13:16-18 and looking at the current trend of buying and selling, I couldn’t help but realize society in general is, by using credit cards to satisfy demanding appetites for instant gratification, indebting itself beyond an ability to repay, and that is exactly how these subterfuges will take our homes and personal property, if we cannot pay and do not obey. All of these circumstances are opening the way for the “Mark of the Beast” (Revelation 13:16-18).
What if the banking industry called in all debt? There is no way any of us could pay-off our debts. To control the world, evil men would need only to control the flow of money – the monetary system of every nation, and every individual as a result.
People are too busy living for themselves to even notice the subtle takeover of the nations. In March of 2020, evil men conspired to create a global ‘pandemic,’ as it is being termed by the liberal media, to condition and control the entire world population. By using ‘Fear of Death’ tactics and economic controls, the world is being conformed to the image of the beastly control by the Dictator of the Revised Roman Empire, and the Anti-Christ.
We are all being conditioned for economic and political control. If successful, these monsters of the monetary system (servants of satan) will yield unlimited power to control the world, with the result that the peoples of earth will find themselves captives of a totalitarian system of rulership. Totalitarian leadership is the door for the anti-Christ to walk through and dictate to mankind as if he were God.
Christians are looking up, listening for the trumpet and the shout to come up hither. The rapturing-up to “meet the Lord in the clouds” is imminent.
Right now, evil men led by satan behind the scenes conspire to change the world we live in to a one world empire led by the Trinity of Evil prophesied in Scripture over 2000 years ago in the Book of Revelation.
Make way for anti-Christ. The Rapture of the Church by Jesus Christ could occur at any moment. Are you ready? Have you trusted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? Maybe you should take a closer look at the cross and resurrection of Christ before all these things come to pass and you wake up one morning and perhaps one-third of the world’s population will have been removed from Earth. In America, we have enjoyed our freedom for over 240 years, by the guidance and mercy of God and our Savior – Jesus Christ. So, next let us look deeper into the Articles of Freedom, while we still can.
The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, and The United States Constitution are the greatest documents ever passed into law. The foundation of these great freedom documents is the Bible. History has proven it is impossible to govern rightly without the Laws of Divine Establishment, which are the laws of freedom given by God to protect individual choice, marriage/family, and national sovereignty. The second paragraph of our great Declaration of Independence states that:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (humanity) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
The Apostle Paul in Romans 1:19-20, stated very nearly the same thing, as he spoke about the new-found freedom of the believers in Christ:
“Because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world: His invisible attributes, His eternal power and the divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made (the physical world – creation), so that they (humanity) are without excuse.”
Our Liberties in America are a gift from God. Our American heritage and our history as a nation has demonstrated that Christian morality is indispensable in preserving freedom.
God created us as individuals with freedom to choose. Therefore, preservation and protection of our individual rights is the responsibility of each individual American, each generation, and the primary function and purpose of our elected officials.
Our highest offices must remain governed by the Laws of Divine Establishment, not men.
Law and Order is an individual matter. Nations cannot survive without a morality that is acknowledged and respected by all its citizens. God’s Divine Laws of Establishment, the Ten Commandments, form the basis for national and personal freedom for both the believer as well as the unbeliever.
Today, more than ever before in our history, everything Christian, everything western, and everything American is under satanic attack, by humanism and socialism. The Democrat Party is no longer the Democrat Party that you grew up believing in and voting for. It has become infiltrated by human philosophy. It has become the “Democrat-Socialist Party.” Non-thinking Americans are being totally duped by propaganda from the far-left media. There is virtually no conservative viewpoint being presented by any of the media. The majority of today’s media is nothing but emotionalism, lies, deception, and fear-mongering.
Kenneth D. Boa answered the question “What Is Apologetics,” very well in “The Apologetics Study Bible” published by Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB). Boa said: “The word ‘apologetics’ derives from the Greek word apologia, which was originally a speech of defense.”
In ancient Athens it referred to a defense argued in a courtroom as part of judicial procedure. After the accusation(s), the defendant was allowed to refute the charges with a defense (apologia). Mr. Boa further stated: “The apologia appears 17 times in noun or verb form in the New Testament, and can be translated “defense” or “vindication” in every case. The idea of offering a reasoned defense of the faith is evident in Philippians 1:7,16; and especially 1 Peter 3:15, but no specific theory of apologetics is outlined in the New Testament.”
At no time in all of previous American history have we as Christians had such abundance of resources at our disposal. Here is the reason for that: God has increased our Christian resources as lawlessness and the philosophies of men have increased.
Right now, in the 21st century, we are in the intensifying stages of spiritual (angelic) warfare. This spiritual warfare deeply involves the very core of our nation. It is the Socialist philosophy which has infiltrated our democratic process. Currently, socialism is the greatest threat to our highest offices and our American Constitutional Republic. This infiltration is designed to destroy the principles upon which our country was/is founded: “One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” We, the American people, are in spiritual warfare. We are in a fight for our freedom and the American way.
Satan is a smooth, subtle adversary. Humanistic philosophies have infiltrated not only the both political parties, but our education system and the media as well. Liberal newspapers, TV and radio talk shows, report the news with bias.
Until we Americans bow before God, we are in jeopardy of the severest kind – the losing effect of our perishing personal freedom. Once it is gone, it is then we will discover what true freedom was all about.
Let us pause for a moment and pray right now for a huge awakening by the American people to the subversive socialistic attitudes and philosophies infiltrating our culture. The great awakening is already happening, but it needs stronger momentum.
“As goes the believer, so goes the nation.” Pray, believer. Pray fervently for our nation.
Father, as we examine Christian and worldviews, help us to meditate on these things. Help us Lord as we walk together through Fields of Learning in search of what really matters… Truth.
Father, like never before, open our eyes to the evil trends affecting our nation, our freedom, even the way we think and act as Americans. Please help us to see that as individual Americans, we are in a fight for our very freedom against evil forces in dark places. Father, please remove the veil of secrecy and espionage that is leading us away from You… down the road to tyranny, the loss of our rights, and even our freedom to worship.
Please help us to keep an open mind and to rethink what is going on right before our very eyes as Christian Americans. Help us to recognize that “a preparation of the way for anti-Christ” is going on right now in America and the world. Help us to see that our real enemy, satan, is as subtle and crafty today as he was in the Garden of Eden. Help us see that verbal coronation gives nice names to evil movements, disguising the real subversive nature of the movements. Help us see the anti-Christ movement that is subtly changing our culture. Help us understand that evil hates good. Help us and everyone in the world to repent and return to you Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.
As Christian believers, we have been entrusted with defining, defending and preserving Truth.
“I urge you to contend for the truth that is once for all entrusted to the saints” (Jude 3).
“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings” (Proverbs 25:2).
Next in our series is Points To Ponder.