Tolerance/Moral Laws/Higher Authority


If disagreement did not exist, then tolerance would be unnecessary. Real differences exist between real people, therefore real, authentic tolerance is a necessity to co-existence. Dialogue between persons of differing viewpoints requires respect, not agreement. Tolerance, as used here (and not how it is used and abused today), is best defined as: we agree to disagree with respect. The understanding by both parties, that two differing views cannot be right is in itself an impetus to engage in constructive dialogue. True tolerance grants the right to dissent.


Morality is considered relative by some in our American culture, but this view cannot be sustained because it is illogical and unlivable. There must be distinction between virtue and vice, or else there can be no trust — no relationships. Society based on relative morality would self-destruct. A society without absolute standards is existentially dysfunctional, to say the least.

There is no logical basis for consistency in thought or action of individuals or nations without morality as a restraint of the immorality inherent in mankind. Are we so far removed by our relativist philosophy that we can say that there is no difference between Hitler and Billy Graham?  

Can we really logically believe that, relatively speaking, your views are true for you, but not for me? Or, that my views are true for me, but not for you? Are my views acceptable provided they agree with yours?

If morality is relative, who has the authority to judge the validity of anything, especially ethics? Are we each our own authority? On what basis do we stand? 

Some people do establish superior moral ethics – some more so than others. We all individually have areas of strength and areas of weakness. Your moral strengths are different than mine. My weaknesses in character can differ from yours. It is human nature to compare one’s strength with the weakness of others and consider ourselves superior.  

Atheists can be morally upright, and usually excel in certain moral issues. Many people are capable of establishing their own personal refined moral standards without religion. These same self-righteous people judge the world and those around them by these self-made hypocritical virtues.

Man can never live up to his own moral standards, let alone God’s absolute standards. The purpose of moral standards is to not only so we can co-exist, but so we can recognize that we cannot keep moral standards, therefore we need not only a restrainer but a Savior, and God provided both. Christ died to save us, the Holy Spirit restrains us (believers and unbelievers).


There must be, by necessity, objective authority to establish and enforce principles of moralistic survival. We cannot deny the moral objectivity of our institutions without denying our nature. God, therefore, extended to humanity in the divine laws of establishment, the relational and survival principles that relativists seek to deny. To deny moral authority and obligation is to dismiss God from the equation of life, leaving only man to be God – God forbid! How foolish to believe we can all be gods. This is the prescription for self destruction, is it not?

There is a relationship between moral obligation and human dignity, which cannot be dissolved by humanistic reason or debate – believe it or not. Just as sin is inherent, morality is inherent. Sin is obvious, therefore, moral law is a necessity!

We are moral beings created after the fashion of a moral God. God is the only rational answer to relativism or secularism. The more relative the issue, the more we should see God in the equation. The more we examine secularism, the more we should see our need for moral law – NOT THE OPPOSITE. Denying God does not eliminate God, it eliminates morality.


Both right and wrong decisions have consequences in life. We not only answer to the law, but religion in general teaches that we answer to a higher authority, therefore, the majority of people voluntarily follow the law and their religious beliefs.  

Humility and volition are critical issues in each of our lives. The Bible proclaims that God has written morality on the heart of man. His Laws of Divine Establishment are for the benefit of society and the preservation of the human race. We are free to accept or reject these moral principles to include the divine inspiration of Scripture. Each of us must stand alone on the choices we make in life toward God, His Word, and morality.


Jesus Christ, on the Cross, paid your price for your disobedience and your immorality.  

What more can God do for you? Believe on the cross-work of Jesus Christ and be saved from God’s wrath (Acts 16:31; John 3:36). Morality guards freedom and prosperity. 

Happy Studying!



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