Three Ways of Perceiving Things

From generation to generation, history, vocabulary (word definitions and usage), education (or a lack of education), philosophy, new scientific discoveries, and technological advances all contribute to change the future and the history of the way we think and develop our intellectualism. Having said this, there is and always has been three basic systems of human perception:

Empiricism – reality through what we see, touch, taste, hear, and smell (observation and experimentation).

Rationalism – perception through reason.

Faith – reality based on acceptance of an established criterion.

The continuous debate between proponents of empirical philosophy and deductive reasoning actually originates from ancient times, and began as a philosophical approach with different results between Plato and Aristotle.

Plato proposed the existence of an abstract realm of ideas, which he claimed were the “real” reality, of which our world was only “an imperfect shadow.”

Aristotle on the other hand emphasized the role of observation, experimentation, and pure logic, therefore the debate was more intellectual egoism than philosophical difference.

The scientist relies on deductive reasoning each time he/she conducts an experiment or draws a conclusion from test results. So, when we stop to think and rationalize, we discover that all three perceptions are intrinsic – we believe what we know and we know what we believe. What we know and believe dictates our thinking, our action, our culture, and our philosophy of life. In other words, who we are as individuals, a people (culture), a nation… it is us attempting to identify ourselves; who we are as human beings.

In every field of endeavor, perception, and learning, faith has its place, believe it or not.

If you are a logically clear thinker, you would be incorrect to state that God does not exist. You would have to say that: “On the basis of rationalism, God does not exist” or, “On the basis of empiricism, God does not exist.”

The thought or belief that “I do not believe” is in itself contradictory, is it not? Therefore, what you believe or do not believe is still a belief. Can we even really separate faith from rationalism or empiricism?

Faith fills all in all, therefore no matter what you believe, your belief stands on one of these three principles of perception.

Someone once said: “Faith is the pursuit of knowledge – the ‘energy’ in the pursuit.” What we discover, at the beginning of the pursuit, is that pursuit of knowledge has no end in reality. However, faith, married to knowledge, experience, and reason, equals wisdom. Empiricism, rationalism, and faith are inseparable and yet different – paradoxical. All three perceptions point to God, but faith discovers God. Faith is response to and object – God.

Faith must have an object. Faith must have information. Volition (choice) must have opportunity.

Question: Do time and eternity co-exist? How do we know? Well, we can rationalize. For example: “The universe tells us so!”

Reality (time) and true reality (eternity) are two existences, with one being the shadow of the other. Which is the shadow, true reality or reality? If we conclude that reality is a shadow of true reality, then rationally we’ve made that decision based on logic. So, let’s go a step or two further: based on our conclusion, would you agree that: True reality is the “perfection of truth or absoluteness?” If so, then would it not also be true, by rational deduction, that reality demonstrates the “imperfections of untruth?” In other words, we must know truth to know untruth. Therefore, truth must be an absolute, or else we each make truth what we want truth to be.

Let’s go one step further in our thinking:

In this brief discussion, we proposed that: Reality is but a shadow of true reality. However, there are no shadows in true reality – “the Light of God has no shadow” (Revelation 21:23; 22:5). There is no sun, no candles for light in eternity, for God is the light of eternity.

These propositions are awesome. What we can determine through rationalism and empiricism is how we determine our reality. What we do with these thoughts depends on our volition. You may agree, or you may disagree. But, at least you are thinking.

May I just state that “True reality is a state of being, not a process – true reality is not evolving,” therefore, truth is not evolving… truth is immutable. Truth must be absolute by necessity. Therefore God IS and GOD IS TRUTH. TRUTH IS A PERSON – JESUS CHRIST.

Printed at the top of my Bible bookmark is the following:

Thinkers needed! Inquire within.

“Faith discovers the light of eternity – Jesus Christ.” – C. S. Craig

The light of knowledge points the way to The Light. So, why do men choose darkness? The answer is “because their deeds are evil” (John 3:19-20).

“Free Thinkers try to make themselves free of God, but free thinking actually enslaves.” – C. S. Craig

The Bible does not attempt to prove itself, God’s existence, nor the Gospel. Isn’t that interesting? The Bible challenges human reasoning, presupposing God. God is not someone whose existence may be questioned or denied – God is necessary to the existence of us all and to all the facts of reality. God, even if provable by reason, would not be defined. God is not definable. True God is not definable by mere men. Mortals cannot define He who is Immortality.

As believers, our calling is to proclaim God, to be seed planters, to live according to Biblical Truths and to answer all men regarding the eternal hope that is within us, because of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 3:15).

“Faith is the light switch that turns on God.” – C. S. Craig

“Faith has vision without seeing.” – C. S. Craig

Reference Psalm 36:9; Proverbs 4:18; John 8:12; 11:24,40,46; 14:6; 20:31; Acts 26:18; Romans 1:20; 3:22,25,28; 5:1; 10:9&10; 1 Corinthians 2:5; 2 Corinthians 5:7; Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 2:8; Hebrews 11:1; 12:2; 1 Peter 1:5,9; 1 John 5:1,5; 5:10.


From the Westminster Catechisms, compiled in 1647 by the Westminster Assembly, came the famous question and answer, “What is the chief end of man?” To which was answered, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.” This quote is from: NELSON’S NEW CHRISTIAN DICTIONARY. George Thomas Kurian, Editor, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee. (Page 803).  Copyright 2001.

Summa Theologiae is the principal theological treatise by St. Thomas Aquinas, one of the most famous works in the Middle Ages. It is divided into three parts: the first part deals with God as Creator, the second part with God as the end of man and man’s return to God, and the third part with Christ as the way of man’s return to God.

We glorify God when we accept God’s offer of reconciliation through the cross of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, and then proclaim Christ to man. We glorify God when we trust the cross-work of Christ who died in our place. The sacrifice of Christ for you was accepted by God the Father. God’s justice was satisfied with Christ’s payment for your sin on the cross. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31), because “God so loved the world that He gave…” See for yourself what God gave to mankind: John 3:15-18,36; Romans 5:8.

If you are unsure of where you stand with God, please open your Bible and read the 3rd chapter of John verses 1-21. May God bless you as you read.

Please see these beautiful thought-verses: Proverbs 25:2; Isaiah 55:8.

Happy Studying in Fields of Grace.



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