When the believer really loves and appreciates the Lord, the believer is thirsty for God’s Word. The Bible is “the Mind of Christ” (2 Corinthians 2:16). If you want to think like Christ, then you need to know the Mind of Christ. The Mind of Christ is divine viewpoint.
As a guideline, thirty minutes with an open Bible is imperative for proper spiritual nourishment (John 17:15-17). If you think you do not have time, let me remind you that you eat three times a day or more, so eat less and study more.
We tend to make excuses for not studying with an open Bible, such as time, as in lack thereof. “I don’t have time to look up Scripture – I can’t find it anyway, so I’ll just read this study like a letter.” Right? Well, this kind of thinking stunts your growth to maturity. This is known as short-cutting, and you are short-cutting yourself. You are missing untold blessings from the Holy Spirit. Want to be blessed? Open your Bible. Remember the Word of God judges those who ignore it.
Time issues cause us to shortcut most everything in life. As a believer, you need to organize and prioritize your schedule – your life. Begin each and every day with gratitude. Take back control of your thinking and you can stop reacting to life. Give control back to the Holy Spirit (1 John 1:9) and He will help you to be self-disciplined. Remember, either your flesh is in control or the Holy Spirit is in control – there is no middle ground. Stop making excuses. Stop apologizing every time you are late. Get up and get going so you do not have to rush around. Leave earlier.
“Sleep is for sons of night
Ye are children of light
Yours is the glory of bright;
Wake, Brethren! Wake!”
– Author Unknown
Keep your schedule, but don’t let it keep you under constant stress. Slow your life down by self-discipline. Do it. The Lord patiently awaits your arrival. Won’t you spend time with Him? There is no peace without Him, no satisfaction, no true inner-happiness. He’s waiting to give these things to you, and more.