The Unfailing Love of God

God is the mature believer’s superhero on the stage of human history.

Threads of spiritual heritage from the wisdom of ages are sewn together to form the mosaic of God’s love throughout the ages.

God’s love for us was poured out for us in eternity past, with the result that our love for God is poured out toward God in our lives as we live for God. This outpouring of our love for God overflows from the truths of God’s Word circulating in the ever-flowing stream of love and consciousness in our soul – the Holy Spirit being the cause of our love for God.

Love never ceases to flow from God, and then through us, and back to God. Therefore, God’s love and our love have intrinsic relationship, enclosed in and endless cycle of love – the concept of “we are one with God.” We are one because of Christ. Christ died once, for all, executing the Father’s plan. The Holy Spirit reveals God’s plan of love, which flows from God through the cross of justice. (Romans 8:35,39; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Ephesian 3:19).

We love because He first loved us (1 John 4:17-19). The unfailing love of God is the unlocked secret of our motivation in Christ to live, faithfully, the Christian life – our spiritual life in Christ.

When we recognize that God’s love for us has always been, even from eternity past, we understand that long before we ever existed, before Christ created anything, God, the Trinity, loved us as only God can. God gave creation his blessing of love. God’s love becomes our love for God. This love of God flows unfailingly to us forevermore.

The cross is not only an expression of God’s eternal love, the cross is a crossing-plan, the meeting place, the intersection of God and man, of love and justice, of good and evil, of mercy and faith, of sin and righteousness, of time and eternity, of God’s love and humanity’s response (love for God).

God’s love (God is love) is declared in the Bible. God’s love is profound truth. God’s truth (the doctrines of the Bible) is profound. Therefore, we must learn and understand divine love. The eternal, unfailing love of God is God.

The love of God is the highest concept of virtue, it is the most crucial concept we will ever encounter in this life.

If and when you understand God’s love, you will also understand the basis for human love and freedom in the devil’s world. The love we have for God is initiated by God’s love for us. Our capacity for proper relationships with others (both believers and unbelievers) has the potential to be fantastic, based on our comprehension of God’s love declared in Scripture.

So, how important is God’s Word? Reference and meditate upon Ephesians 2:4-7 and 3:19; 1 Peter 1:8, and you will begin to understand.

There is nothing in this world that is more important than God’s Word, God’s love… and knowing Him.

God’s love is infinite and absolute, unfailing, unconditional and immutable (it cannot change). Man’s love is finite, undependable, conditional, and relative. Without the doctrines of the Bible, man can only ascribe to God man’s philosophy of love.

God’s love is the aggressor, we are the responder. God is! We are a result, as originally created, of God’s unfathomable character. God is limitless and immeasurable, perfect in splendor and majesty, and God is Infinite – the self-existent One, having no beginning and no ending. We cannot grasp the fullness of God unless God reveals Himself. We cannot be confronted with the physical appearance of God. The glory of God is beyond our ability to cope. His beauty and countenance exceed explanation. Moses himself was awe-struck by the presence of God, even God as a burning bush.

The glory of God is inexpressible. The grace of God is inexhaustible. The love of God is infinitely unfailing. The Persons of God are immutable and indivisible. The essence of God is, and speaks of, God’s very being or nature. By definition, essence is the intrinsic nature of a thing – the underlying constituent of a thing manifested outwardly. The intrinsic qualities are invisible, but manifested in thoughts and actions. The manifestations demonstrating the unknowable, the inner essence of infinite existence – God. The Bible defines God adequately so that humanity can conceive of God. God’s self-revelation is in Scripture. The Oneness of God equals three.

The love of God, referred to as ‘divine love,’ is immeasurable and inexhaustible. This study on the unfailing love of God is an unending attempt to bring the wonderful love of God to greater illumination through Scripture. God’s love is holy. God’s Word is holy. God’s holiness is God. God is love.

Happy Studying!



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