Soteriology: Part Three – Justification

Justification (justified) is a legal term which means: to declare righteous, to secure a favorable verdict, to acquit. It means vindication; therefore, it is the judicial act of God whereby He imputes His righteousness to the new believer at the point of salvation, thereby vindicating or justifying the believer. The meaning is derived from three Greek words:

  1. Dikaioo: “to justify, to vindicate.”
  2. Dikaiosos: “justification, vindication.”
  3. Dikaioma: “an act of acquittal or justification.”

These three Greek words, as used in the time of the writing of the New Testament, express justification without condemnation (Deuteronomy 25:1; Romans 5:16; 8:33-34). In Christ, all the righteous demands of God’s perfect character and holiness have been satisfied by Christ’s perfect life of obedience to the Law and His atoning sacrifice (death). God requires perfect obedience, which is impossible for man because we are inherently sinful.


(Romans 3:22,25,28,30)

Justification occurs at the moment of salvation – faith alone in the cross-work of Christ, who died in your place (Romans 3:28; 5:1; Galatians 3:24).

Justification is based on God’s grace plan (and not our sin-tainted works). God’s grace plan centers around the person and work of Christ, completely apart from man (Romans 3:24; 5:8; Titus 3:7).

Justification does not occur through the Mosaic Law (Romans 3:20,28; Galatians 2:16).

The mechanics of justification: The imputation of divine righteousness to the one believing in Christ (Genesis 15:6; Romans 3:22; 4:4,5,11b; 9:30-32).

The work of justification was accomplished on the cross. Christ was resurrected to relate our justification to His strategic victory in the execution of the Father’s plan (Romans 4:25; 5:8; 6:4-14).


Adam was a child of God’s own hand. When Adam fell (Genesis 3:6), God immediately showed forth His wonderful love and mercy – He came to the Garden of Eden, rejected their “fig leaves” of self-produced works (their own attempts to hide their nakedness – sin), this was the first act of human good – self righteousness (Genesis 3:21) “and God made garments of skin.”

God’s provision for fellowship and future deliverance (salvation) was actually demonstrated immediately after the fall by the skins for a covering. Skins implies animal sacrifice, and this has been God’s provision throughout history until Messiah the Deliverer would come. God provided in the Garden, by animal sacrifice, until the true blood of Christ was shed on the cross (His spiritual death). In other words, the animal sacrifice was symbolic of the yet-future death of Christ on the cross.

God has always made provision for His creation, especially for man. Just as God restored the Earth in Genesis 1:2, He restored Adam to fellowship in Genesis 3:21, and God restored man through the cross. God always does all the work; our God is a working God.

Happy Studying!



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