
Relativism: “Truth for you, not for me.”

Truth is not relative, it is an absolute. The plan of satan is whitewashing God’s Word. Merchandising the gospel is whitewashing grace. Activism by believers is the attempt to reform the government and our leaders while ignoring the clear declarations of God’s Word.

Jesus Christ controls history – let him control you. Stay with the doctrines of the Bible. Keep on keeping on. Keep God first before the abomination of physical lust, material lust, and self-interest.

One by one, believers with eyes on people become in-tuned in the barren fields of spiritual failure and neglect of God. God gets blamed for everything. God’s plan becomes buried in fields of emotionalism, lust, and self. In Proverbs 29:18, the self reigned supreme over fields of shame, guilt, and desolation.

The unrestrained become ignorant. Bible doctrine in the soul, consistently, keeps us informed by God so that no matter what life brings, we are prepared by God to achieve victory.

Man is cursed, therefore the man who puts his trust in man or man’s government is cursed. The government, whose people make it God, gives power to satan. Then, complacency caused by self-interests leads to apathy. The government becomes the answer to life, rather than God, and in this comes dependence. Man willingly walks into bondage with no worries, just like a fool. Don’t sell your soul for the accessories of life promised by government and big corporations. Self-imprisonment of any type terminates the accessories of life, where they pile up all around us, becoming a wall surrounding us with doom, despair, and even death.

The only person greater than the fool is the shameless fool. The foundations of man are built on sand – wealth, intellect, greed, pride, and power, but God’s foundation is Bible doctrine. God’s cornerstone is God’s son, Jesus Christ, as in 1st Corinthians 3:11. Truth is absolute.

More and more our colleges send into the world learned individuals with no absolutes of any kind. Graduates are biblically illiterate. Our universities teach relativism, skepticism, atheism, and socialism. Religion is anti-Christ, anti-God. Religion is the devil’s ace trump. Religion is contrary to God. Religion is a counterfeit system. Religion is the throning of self. Religion is satanic doctrine – foolishness of fools.

Relativism is differing views, different beliefs, but at the same time relativism is asserting that we all believe this is true, which in itself is contradictory. “That’s true for you, but not for me” or “This is my truth” is typical of the relativist. These quotes are nothing more than opinion, devoid of any truth whatsoever.

To me, a relativist believes that what they believe is indeed truth, and this is self-contradictory. This viewpoint isn’t deeply intellectual – it is not intellectual at all. They assume their interpretation of truth is true, thus contradicting themselves. Presupposing truth does not make truth Truth. Truth, to be objective, demands objective truth.

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life.

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