The following is a theological presentation of Biblical knowledge manifested in Scripture and developed here for thought processes of the individual reader as guided by the Holy Spirit; ponder and reflect upon them, one by one.
- Any extension of Scripture revelation is an infinite undertaking.
- There is progress in doctrinal knowledge, but there is no increase in Scripture-revelation, only our understanding of what has always been there.
- The riches of Divine Revelation are embodied in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
- All knowledge comes from the glory of God executed through the Son of God and revealed by the Holy Spirit of God.
- The beginning of wisdom is unending pursuit.
- With acquisition there must be discernment and responsibility.
- Embrace Biblical Wisdom and your knowledge shall be exalted to the heights and depths of love, truth, grace, and infinity.
- Wisdom is an invisible wreath.
- Hold fast to discipline — it must be habitual.
- Wisdom shall lighten your path like radiant sunlight ever brightening.
- Wisdom is food and healing for body, soul, and spirit.
- Godly instruction is a lamp to our feet — the light of life.
- Come early, come often, come eagerly to the gate of learning.
- Wisdom has sewn her seven pillars; search for the pillars all the days of your life. With much patience, enjoy your search.
- Receive, believe, convert, discern, store, metabolize, live, and apply Biblical Truth.
- The wise store up knowledge and exercise it in the life of the spirit.
- Scripture transforms our viewpoints and brings the world into divine focus.
- Men of untruth corrupt the minds of men who do not hold the truth to be evident — the blind following the blind.
- Untruth can best be described as a façade behind which there is no substance except corruption, which has none.
- Even when focused, the mind seems to have no single state of being.
- The more we learn, the more we judge and question what we have learned. Therefore, intellectualism is the endless pursuit of answers that must be questioned.
- Solitude is a deepening appreciation of the risen Son on the horizon of intellect.
- The world is full of God, incognito to most, even though His creation is the one dominating force of His eternal existence available to all who live and breathe.
- An intellectual is always thinking; the mind never sleeps; the soul is eternal.
- The great enemies of knowledge are: arrogance, untruth, bias, indolence, satisfaction, mediocrity, procrastination, folly, and calculative thinking.
- Where is your being dwelling? Where is your dwelling being? Being is beyond the dwelling places of human intellectuality.
- The beauty of stillness is in the self with God.
- The evil within the self can possess and destroy you.
- The philosophical quest of the mind is both inward toward self and outward toward God. The words of Scripture become the world of the mind, which allows the reader another opportunity to see God from here – scripture is the mind of Christ.
- Do we ascend toward God or does God descend toward us? God descends so we can ascend.
- When we pray there is an ever renewing power that passes from God through Christ.
- As Logos (the Word of God, or principle of divine reason and creative order, identified in the Gospel of John with the second person of the Trinity incarnate in Jesus Christ), Jesus Christ is the epistemological (relating to the study of the nature, origin, and limits of human knowledge) foundation of truth and reason. Therefore we should emulate Christ.
- When Jesus spoke He revealed His thinking, and His mind is recorded for all to discover in Scripture. Why don’t you become a mind reader; open your Bible, for it is the mind of Christ.
- When we spend too much time away from Scripture we are in essence spending too much time away from the Lord Jesus Christ. Why would we do that? Because we sin and allow the flesh to control rather than the Holy Spirit.
- Knowledge is power, and the powerful are responsible to veracity and God.
- If we as believing Christians are not glorifying God, then we are glorifying self. If we glorify self, we can become brutal beasts with exploding egos making us contrary to God.
- Bringing glory upon ourselves, we become idolaters. ALL glory belongs to God.
- Living in Christ is living in truth. Living in truth requires spiritual maturity. God’s Word is Truth. The believer cannot mature apart from Bible doctrine resident in the soul.
- Most intellectuals are self-deceived.
- There are those who are fascinated by knowledge without selfish motivation.
- There are some who seek knowledge for approbation. Still, others seek knowledge for power and wealth. Then, there are those who seek knowledge so they can edify and enlighten.
- Knowledge demands responsibility and accountability before Jesus Christ, the Righteous Judge.
- When we consider the contemptuous treatment of others that exists in the corporate structure, professional circles, and all elevations of society, we cannot help but recognize the drastic imperative for Christ’s return and His glorious reign over the earth.
- Intellectual knowledge without integrity is the one of the biggest dangers facing humanity in the twenty-first century.
- A passion for the knowledge of truth is the most adventurous journey anyone can take.
- He who reflects on the totality of existence travels roads through the amazing realities of this life and the potential of life beyond where no man has returned to boast or warn.
Happy Studying!
Next in our series is Find Your Way Back… Come Home.