Facts Of The Resurrection



The greatest eight days in human history begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Resurrection Sunday, yet the resurrection of Jesus Christ is only the beginning for those who have received Christ as personal Savior. Have you accepted Him?

The resurrection is trampled under the feet of Easter bunnies. Where is our respect? Where is our love for Jesus? What a tragedy.

Christmas is about the birth of our Savior. Resurrection week is all about the death and resurrection of our Savior. The birth, the death and resurrection of Christ are the greatest events in human history.

The resurrection accounts of Jesus are found in Matthew 28:1-8; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-9; John 20:1-10. (Please note: This study outline is not exhaustive.)

“Resurrection” is taken from a Greek word which means “to stand up.”

We will begin our study by examination of Scripture concerning the type of body our Lord had in resurrection, because we will have a body like His body when we are glorified in Heaven.


1). His body retained the nail prints and the scar in His side.

Historically recorded in John 20:25-27; Prophetically recorded in Zechariah 12:10; Psalm 22:16.

2). Christ was recognized as a human body. He could be touched. His body had substance of flesh-and-bones of a different kind — an eternal state, because He walked through walls or doors Matthew 28:9; Luke 24:39-40; John 20:1, 19, 26. Christ could instantly appear or disappear Luke 24:17.

3). Christ breathed John 20:22.

4). Christ carried on conversation, so He had vocal chords of some type (Luke 24:17, 36,38,39, 44-49; John 20:16).

5). Christ ate food (Luke 24:30, 43).

6). Our body will be like Christ’s (Philippians 3:21; 1 John 3:2).


Earthquake: An angel rolled away the stone (Matthew 28:1-2). Our Lord and Savior had already risen.

1). The stone was rolled away by angel so that the three women who came to the tomb could see that Christ was risen (Mark 16:1). The three women were Mary Magdalene, Mary – mother of Jesus, and Salome.

2). Mary Magdalene, after seeing the stone rolled away and the empty tomb ran to find the disciples (John 20:1-2).

3).  Mary – the mother of Jesus, and Salome saw the angel who told them  “Jesus is risen” (Mark 16:5,6).

4). Mary Magdalene finds Peter and John and they returned with her to the tomb and Peter wondered about what he saw (Luke 24:12).

5). John believed Jesus had risen (John 20:8).

6). Mary Magdalene came again to the tomb, but mistakes Jesus for the gardener, but meets Christ face to face (can you imagine how she must have reacted?)  (John 20: 11-18).




1). Mary Magdalene (John 20:15-17).

2). Five other women (Matthew 28:9-10).

3). Apostle Peter (1 Corinthians 15:5).

4). Two believers on the road to Emmaus — Cleophas and Mary (Luke 24:13:33; Mark 16:12).

5). Ten disciples (Thomas was not present) (John 20:19-25).

6). The eleven (with Thomas) (John 20:26-29; Mark 16:14).

7).  Seven of the disciples by the sea of Galilee (John 21:1-3).

8). Five hundred believers (1 Corinthians 15:6).

9). Jesus’ half brother James, who was an unbeliever until the resurrection: (1 Corinthians 15:7; John 7:3; Acts 1:14).

10). Eleven disciples again on a mountain near Galilee (Matthew 28:16-20).

11). Those at the Lord’s ascension passage (Acts 1:3-11).


1). Stephen (Acts 7:55-56).

2). Paul on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-8; 1 Corinthians 15:8).

3). Paul again in Arabia (Galatians 1:12-17).

4). Paul in the Temple (Acts 22:17).

5). Paul (Acts 18:9; 23:11).

6). John on the Isle of Patmo: (Revelation 1:12-20, six times in all).


If we could now see Christ in His Glory at the right hand of the Father, we would still see His Crucifixion appearance. Had we seen Him in His agony,  we would all the more admire His Glory.

We know Christ crucified, but we LONG TO see Christ Glorified. It is finished! He is Risen … He is Risen! He has Ascended! He is not here, for He has ascended; He has risen to His Seat in Glory. 

Let our spirit not forget to view the empty tomb and then look toward Throne in Heaven, where Christ is seated as King of kings and Lord of lords.  

The humanity of Christ endured the punishment of man’s sin so He could plead as mediator and advocate for our forgiveness in the Supreme Court of Heaven.

Christ stooped to conquer, then rose to reign. The way to His Throne was first a coming down, then a going up. Our Master descended that He might ascend, and He died that we might live.

How do we map the boundlessness of His great love wherewith He loved us? How do we describe infinity? How do we interpret a coronet of thorns as a coronet of Glory?

How do we harness the winds to Chariots? How do we thrust the bit into the mouth of the tempest? How do we explain the ethereal agent called light that breaks forth as a gleam, a ray, or a bolt of lightning? How can we be dead in trespass and darkness, then resurrected, alive again in perfect light? What is the light that gives us understanding? How is our soul illuminated with knowledge and wisdom? How does light deliver our thinking to possibilities and probabilities, if not certainties. How does Scripture throw light on another part of Scripture?

In all these questions there is but one answer — God is Light!  God’s Word(s) are light! The believer’s soul is illuminated with the Light of Christ — our flashpoint in time — the flash of eternal life, and this life is in Christ.  

The fact of the resurrection of Christ is the assurance of future resurrection of men, some to condemnation, some to eternal life.

Which will you be?

How is it that Jesus chose men and women of humble means to subdue the world? It is because He needs no help from them … all power is Christ’s in earth and in Heaven. God chooses men and women of common sense, clear headed and warm-hearted, deep in experience in the struggles of life and the nature of mankind. Christ did not choose the worldly-wise — they had no value in His eyes.  

He chose honest hard working men and women, childlike enough to learn HIS TRUTHS, yet bold enough to speak His Truths.

Christ still chooses men and women of no fame, even today. The Lord can change an illiterate person into a person learned in the Scriptures, armed with the sword of the Lord — nothing has changed since Christ walked the earth. Every generation since the first Adam is the same and the power of the Holy Spirit is the same — each person in their own order until Christ returns for His Church.

God never sends His servants on a fool’s errand! It pleases God by the so-called ‘foolishness’ of preaching to accomplish His Divine purposes, yet NOT by the power of preaching, not by the power of the preacher, but by the Power of the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ the resurrected King of Glory.

The Lamb of God — such a beautiful Lamb! The King of kings and Lord of lords! Let us bow down and worship the Lamb. Lets us honor the Lamb. Let us give Him Glory and majesty and respect.  

Come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. Come, let us follow the Risen Christ until He calls us home to His Kingdom.

This information of the resurrection is taken from my study notes in 1973, originally taught through RBT Bible Ministries  

— C. S. Craig

Thank you Father for your Plan of Grace, which is available to all who will believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, your only begotten Son. Thank you Father for your Holy Spirit who reveals and executes your Plan. Amen.

Happy Studying!

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