Logic – Three Basic Laws

Law 1: Identity law

Law 2: Non-contradiction

Law 3: Excluded middle

Identity – 1Truth is 2absolute – untruth is absolute. 3Neither can be the other. Therefore, non-contradiction is “neither can be the other.” So, all three are absolutes. Human Logic is based on reality – patterned after reality.

“God, our Creator, gave us truth. We added untruth.”

The principles of logic reflect God. Creation is a reflection of God. God’s creation reflects and demonstrates logic. We have two realities: 1physical and 2spiritual. Human thought – inhale of knowledge and speech, the exhale of knowledge – is grounded in God and is God’s work. Therefore, logic is not arbitrary.

Wisdom is the metabolism of knowledge, followed by logical application. Therefore, the basic difference between the fool and the wise person is in the attitude and application, not necessarily intelligence.

A wise person accepts counsel, a foolish person rejects it.

The wise person can enslave the foolish person.

Foolish people will become enslaved by the wise. A fool will be a slave to someone whose heart is wise.

Do not despise correction or proper authority.

The Lord condemns one who schemes.

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