Eternity may be considered as: Illusion; both the future and the past simultaneously present; time is a means to measure eternity as endlessness – infinity; time is a creation by God with which to allow/cause us to understand God as always eternal – a means of thinking – an intellectual concept for perception; human-mind interpretations.
We cannot know something about nothing – we can only know that nothing has no existence. Therefore, God is knowable. Eternity is boundless, space defines time and time defines space.
Could we not say that time is measured by the past? Time is ever-progressing so that the present is always in the past and the future is in the present – passing. Present and yet not present.
If time ends in the future, the future is not timelessness, it is non-existent at a future time determined. The future is made real by experience and only lives in the present and past. The future is real and not real, until it passes.
Life is a paradox – a searching for the infinite – a separation of existence from God, awaiting restoration and climax or consummation. The merging – the reemerging of God and man.
So we have space-time, we have light-time, and we have no time. Time has its appointments with destiny and destiny is ordained. Therefore, time, matter, space, life, all have existence – created existence. Isn’t God something? Praise God. Give God all glory. Think God. Learn God.
God is causality!
Causality defined: The relationship between cause and effect; the principle that everything has a cause.
C. S. Craig January 30, 2020