Expressing the Inexpressible

How can I express the inexpressible? Perhaps… silence? If I listen to music, music expresses itself. If I watch and listen to creation all around me, creation expresses itself; if I look closely, I see beautiful expressions inexpressible. I perceive that the inexpressible must, by necessity, express itself. We must learn to look and listen to the inexpressible.

God is inexpressible. God’s Holy Spirit expresses God to us by inexpressibly silent whispers that don’t whisper – thoughts expressed from God above. God is real. God is awesome. God is my Father. I am God’s child by faith in God’s Son. Look at the cross – it speaks incredible words inexpressible. If I could only express what you are missing without the intimacy of knowing Jesus Christ personally

Reference verses (for your own edification, please look them up):

Ephesians 1:17; John 1:1,14; Acts 17:27; Proverbs 4:7; 1 Corinthians 12:8; James 1:5; 2 Peter 1:5-7; Jeremiah 29:13; Revelation 19:15; Proverbs 3:19; James 5:17.

Godly truths are encapsulated throughout Scripture, beginning in Genesis where we find planted seeds of knowledge that, when followed like a trail through the forest, lead us across the history of time from dawn to dusk – Genesis to Revelation (Reference also Isaiah 11:2; Proverbs 3:13-15).

Proverbs 24:14; Ecclesiastes 2:13 and chapter 3; Isaiah 33:6; Ecclesiastes 1:13; 8:16 – these truths are reliable and accurate, both to history and spiritual enlightenment – or awakening to the lights of glory. Each category of knowledge provides evidence of truths which open windows, through which we can gaze at the light of God’s truth.

Truth is, then, the portal energy that opens the door to God. As we walk, God’s Word is a lamp for our feet. Jesus Christ is the first and last word. Christ is our guiding vision. My master’s artistic skill captures truths that can redefine not only our everyday experiences but the future of our history. The details of each of our lives are illuminated as we look backward and forward.

Search wisdom.



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