“The mentality of mankind needs the empowerment and enlightenment that only God can give through His fascinating Word.”
This Part Five Study is designed with you the reader in mind. The purpose is to challenge you to consider God’s viewpoint regarding all the details and circumstances in life. Think God, then seek God before making decisions.
“Understanding God requires more than innate curiosity. God is fascinating! Unfortunately, most people turn aside long before reaching the magnificent knowledge plateau that formulates God in our thinking.”
The Bible is the Mind of Christ! (1 Corinthians 2:16) and His Mind is a terrible thing to waste.
The Word Of God is active (living and incredibly powerful) by the Holy Spirit! (Hebrews 4:12).
“The Scriptures are a lighthouse for the night-streets of humanity.”
In Matthew 22:29, Jesus Himself very directly stated that “you do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.”
THE GOSPEL — “God’s Word illuminated by the Holy Spirit can tame prejudices and reconcile differences. It can heal hurt souls and broken hearts. It can wipe away tears that flow from needy faces. It can save the unsaved, the lost in places and spaces — even on the back roads of despair.”
When the less fortunate reject our affluence, they reject the Gospel. Affluence is given to certain individuals for distribution. We must live what we believe, so that others may believe and live.
Many Christians live as spectators of life, comfortable in their affluence, away from the realities of the oppressed.
Born again believers, instantly upon faith in Messiah — Jesus Christ, become children of God and heirs with Christ. God has made America a Client Nation, called to carry the Torch of God IN CHRIST, throughout the world. Our allegiance, therefore, is to Christ, to Truth, to mankind (each other), to our flag and country.
The injustices of bias, racial and otherwise, of hidden agendas and hatred, of life in sleeping alleys and starving streets, the oppressed minority, (ALL) must be corrected and eliminated from our society. WE the people must stand up — stand together and demand that the media stop dividing us.
America must turn back to God! Respect God! Respect our fellow man! Love God! Love one another! “Love is a many-splendored thing!”
Please turn to and read the following scriptures: Deuteronomy 6:4-5; Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 22:37-40.
Exodus 20:3-11: Notice these versus relate to a person’s relationship with God. Then, Exodus 20:12-17 relates to a person’s relationship with other people.
“If our relationship is right with God, then it is right with each other.”
Someone once said: “There is too much worldliness in the Church and not enough Church in the world.” Church is not to be a manifestation of culture, and neither is it to be a house of entertainment. It is not to be a pacifier to make us feel good because we came out to Church. Church is to be a TEACHING PLATFORM, a lighthouse in the night-streets of a world living in darkness.
The pulpit must return to teaching in-depth the Word of God. The Christian church in America must return to its roots of teaching the family, the student, the child. Our Churches must return to the days of one room schools taught by a teacher. Learning God should be America’s priority!
The Bible is the lamp by which America must walk. Christians are to be Lamplighters. The Bible is illuminated by the Holy Spirit, who glorifies Christ and the Father’s Plan. The Light of Truth must not perish from the soul of America, or America will perish from the earth!
Where else can people go to correctly learn God? I am convinced that the Church of God must return to an academic classroom, teaching the Theology of God from the pulpit. People hungry for God would flock to the Church to LEARN GOD. The world is starving for truth in a world of Untruth!
God wants us to glorify Christ in the world during His absence from the earth, in heaven. We Christians hold these truths of Scripture to be self evident and written so that man can know God and know truth as absolute. Thy Word is Truth.
The believer needs TRUTH and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, properly equipped for battles against the UN-truths of the world, the flesh and the devil.
Someone once said “the more depraved mankind becomes, the more righteous the self-righteous view themselves.”
Shakespeare wrote in Macbeth, “Fair is foul and foul is fair.” The Bible states, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil.” (Isaiah 5:20)
“Justice cannot be fully achieved nor freedom maintained, until men respect God, and the rights, property, and dignity of each person.”
Chuck Colson so rightly said: “The Gospel of Jesus Christ must be the bad news of the conviction of sin, before it can be the Good News of redemption.”
Our mentality needs the empowerment and enlightenment that only God can give through His fascinating Word, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
God is always giving, always calling mankind to “turn around turn back, come home!”
Perhaps America needs to re-think God. “But how shall they learn without a Teacher come from God?”
Attend a Bible teaching Church and take somebody with you. Return to God, America.
Happy Studying in Fields of Grace walking with the Lord your God.