Current Events


Every crisis in the life of a believer is allowed by God, for His purpose. God has a definitive plan for each believer. God’s plan is designed to glorify God and to focus attention on the Person and work of Christ and the grace of God. Now, please read that a second time.

God does not necessarily promise to deliver from pressure, but He will always deliver through pressure. Pressure causes the believer to apply doctrine and brings the message of the Gospel into focus for unbelievers. Afflictions cause the believer to look by faith to God for deliverance. The unsaved observe our crisis. The unsaved watch.

Who is to say how many people in every generation of humanity may have received Christ because of our afflictions. We must always remember that in crisis situations, God has a plan and His plan is perfect.

Please turn to and reference John 11:5,6. “Love” in this verse is the Greek word agapao and in this situation it refers to a mental attitude towards Christ’s delay in coming.  

We know that Jesus did not delay His coming because He was indifferent. He was not trying to make Mary and Martha suffer. Ultimately, the entire family of Lazarus and all the future generations of humanity would benefit from Christ’s delay. Think about that. 

The overriding purposes of God are always for man’s benefit and God’s glory. As believers, we must keep these things in mind whenever our world turns upside down. Please know and remember that any suffering from which the Lord does not deliver immediately He intends for us to endure. We have to learn to wait on the Lord.

We must not interpret God’s love on the basis of whether He gives us what we want. It is not our expectation that is important. It is not always good to get what we want. It is not the self that matters. Salvation matters. Christ died for the ungodly – and that matters.

If we are to be faithful, we must be patient. Resting in faith (“faith-rest”) has no time limit. The current political and coming economic crisis will change the American culture and the function of society for the rest of time. So, do we panic like the world? No. We faith-rest, prepare, and trust God. God has a plan! There never was a time when God didn’t have a plan. God’s perfect plan centers around and through His Son – Our precious Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Let us concentrate on our mission, not on current events, not on the dangers we face and the greater danger we have yet to face. God has a plan. Every believer in Christ has a mission in life. God wants us to concentrate on the mission.

Why are we here? Why are we going through these things? The answer is: We are witnesses. We are ambassadors. We are here to serve our Savior in all circumstances. Let us concentrate on our mission, not ourselves. 

“Look up, for your redemption is near” (Luke 21:24-25).

Please reference the following verses. Perhaps, you may see some of the warning signs in our current events. Read for yourself what was written 2000+ years ago: Luke 17:26-30; 1 Timothy 4:1; 2 Timothy 3:1-5; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10; Ephesians 6:11, 12.

“Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give to every man according as his work shall be.”

“Even so, come Lord Jesus”  (Revelation 22:12,20).

Much love and blessings in Fields of Grace.



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