A Terrible Sin against God and Man

I concur with Chuck Colson and his panel of experts regarding biotechnology. Here are my thoughts in my own words…

To take a life created in God’s image is a sin against God and man. To make a life created in man’s image is a sin against man and God.

Taking human life or making human life – where is technology taking us? Where are we taking technology?

Human life must never become a commodity. If it does, the human race will enter a collision course with itself. What are we doing to protect the sanctity of life and human dignity, designed by God in His own image?

Bioethics must guide and control biotechnology. Warnings from the future for the present are staring us in the face. We are at a crossroads… again. Corporate oppression and control is inevitable if technology is not harnessed. We must protect ourselves from ourselves. If we become slaves under tyranny, man becomes god over men and we all lose.

Biotechnology must be understood as evil if it is allowed to continue unrestrained. In other words, truth, dignity, and the sanctity of life must take precedence over technology – we must protect life from us.

– C. S. Craig May 2008



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