Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Twenty)



Singing praises to the Lord about what we have done is not praise! Singing praises about all that God has done through Christ by the Holy Spirit is the only acceptable praise.

“The war between Christ and satan, which was waged on Calvary’s hill, involves issues and powers belonging to higher realms than this earth and things beyond the boundaries of time.”

Quoted from Systematic Theology by Lewis Sperry Chafer, Vols 3&4, pg. 110.

Everything proceeds from the Father. The Holy Spirit and the Son of God proceed from the Father. The Holy Spirit deserves so much more credit and recognition. The Holy Spirit is humble and never “complains” (if you will). The Holy Spirit is glorious and majestic – He is God.

Is the mind more than matter?

God is a necessity. He cannot not exist.

The universe (matter) is disintegrating, therefore temporary, thus having a causer – God.

Thinking, when exhausted, meets God. Thinking originates from God and back to God. All knowledge comes to man, courtesy of God.

God cannot be comprehended beyond what God has given us to think with. The finite mind is limited by the curse of sin.

I/we exist because I am/we are. But we are temporary – dying (spiritually) you shall die (physically). Why are we temporary? Why do we decay/age? It is sin’s effect – the curse.

The wickedness of fallen man is revealed by his natural disposition to literally withhold from his Creator the honor, the respect, and the obedience his Creator God is due.

For every benefit of knowing God and His Word, there is a satanic counterfeit to match.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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