God offers liberty to the captive, freedom to the prisoner, calm for the troubled soul, comfort to those who mourn, peace where there is only despair.
We as believers are made righteous trees, ones planted by God. Our purpose is to glorify God in ambassadorship (Isaiah 61:3c).
The Spirit of the Lord is upon us and fills us. He will never leave us nor forsake us.
There should be no debate regarding the obvious fact that as homo-sapiens, we are beings with volition created to seek and fellowship with truth, in spite of our limitations. It is this inherent desire for God that we all need to admit to ourselves. It is this need that points us back to God. If anyone is separated from God, it is by their choice. God revealed Himself in history through His Son Jesus Christ – God’s witness of His invisible self. Then Christ rose from the dead to give eternal life to all who would believe (John 3:15-18,36; John 14:6; Acts 4:12).
All we who believe have a vacuum in our heart that can not be filled even though God is always filling. We can never get enough, it seems.
The secularist wages war between reason and faith, but they can never answer the need in mankind for God. Reason does not even know its reason.
The latter days of the end times has always been imminent.
One of the distinctive aspects of Biblical Hebrew and Christian faith is that they allow little accommodation for elements of eastern religions. Salvation cannot be earned by an ascetic life, it can only be received as a gift, by faith alone in God’s work of redemption. It is God reaching down to man, not man reaching up to God.
Life deserves respect. God as Giver of Life and Salvation deserves respect.
Ritualism and escape into myth are man’s idea for worship of countless divinities. Christ is not among those numbers because Christ is the First and the Last – the Alpha and Omega – the Only God.
All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.