Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Thirty-Six)



Death terminates the necessities and accessories of life. In death’s grip, life disintegrates, but in Christ’s hand, death has no power, no sting, we’re a passing thing or we are naught.

Looking up from beneath the trees, one is enthralled in the shimmers of happy glimmers – my little family and thoughts of aspen and birch in Colorado.

Appearing to entrap the moon, the willow tree became a web of winding tresses.

The envious are like snakes hiding in the grass, only to bite the heel of the envied who caused the grass to grow.

The unbelieving intellectual is but a termite attacking his own foundation… The acid of their ridicule eats away at their heart, until they devour their own reason.

It is important to live in truth because God is Truth living among us.

The church is to be a lifeboat for a world sinking in darkness.

If the church is the lighthouse shining in the night, the culture will see it from the darkness.

If Jesus were as much in demand as Savior and Lord as He is a “genie,” think of what the world could be like. Perhaps we would be a world full of forgiven people, a world full of givers instead of takers.

The fault with many people is perceiving themselves without fault, but that’s their fault. Self-righteousness.

The essence of pride and arrogance is “I will!” Not God’s will, my will – thinking independently of God, “I will…”.

Satan was evicted from Eden the Garden of God. Man was evicted from the Garden of Eden.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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