Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Sixty)



For the rest of my life, I am. Then what? Then… I AM.

When satan goes down, Heaven comes down (the second advent).

There is nothing about sin, suffering, and death that I like, but I must experience each. Until this body of flesh is left behind and my spirit soars… free at last. Do not mourn, rather be happy and at peace, for heaven and my God are upward, and I have risen. I’ll see you there. Be totally confident because of Jesus Christ, and the Father, and the Holy Spirit.

We seem to have an arrogant sense, an exaggerated sense of self, both are attributes of our sin nature. But it is a manifestation of our sin nature, not in attribute. Attribute is a positive, and there is certainly nothing positive about the sin nature.

Sensuous: of or relating to the senses or objects that can be perceived by the senses.

I suppose I am quite sensuous, so is it not better to be sensuous than full of contempt?

Perhaps sensuousness is the most important feature of our psyche – the entrance to beautiful and the abode of mercy and loving kindness, where light flows from wisdom, and wisdom from light – the colors of which are incomprehensible and eternal.

All words are derived from breath. Breath is the beginning of life. Breathed, as in non-phonated, voiceless as in creation, as in God’s thinking – God’s Word, life from God’s mind – the mind of Christ. Breathing is life-giving, the exhale of God, the inhale of creation. Beautiful is God.

Prosperity should be measured by the content of the soul, not wealth or possessions, which perish, as we do.

Knowledge deserves its own page. I’m not so sure we search for knowledge as much as knowledge searches for us.

The Bible must be taught to meet the intellectual capacity of the hearer. The Gospel must be taught to address the credibility issues of intellectuals as well as pragmatic struggles that emerge with believers. Verse-by-verse interpretation of the Scriptures using linguistics based on common usage in the historical setting of the day when written. There are faces that ask questions, that need answers. Unanswered prayer and deep feelings that God has failed us are prevalent.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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