Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Sixty-Six)



There is no such thing as a complete failure because failure is never complete.

We are all complete sinners, completely helpless and completely hopeless. In Christ we are completely justified, completely forgiven, completely righteous and I am eternally grateful.

It is interesting that fire somehow consumes itself and must find new victims or die.

If sin has a face, it is a hulking gargoyle, its face garish, dark, and pitted.

Pessimists cannot know inner peace, inner happiness, not like the optimist.

The optimist eats the donut. The pessimist complains about the hole.

Some of us look forward, some backward. Some of us look up, some down.

Two thieves hung on either side of Christ. One saw God, the other saw an imposter.

What do you see?

Faith is acceptance that God is, and that He cares for His children. God gave us mothers and fathers and His Son as proof.

As human beings, we are dichotomous – body and soul. Being born again of the Spirit (made spiritually alive from spiritual death), we are restored to our original created state as trichotomous – body, soul, and spirit. Without the “spirit” alive and renewed within us (through faith in Christ and His finished work on the cross), we cannot see God.

Faith sees the unseeable.

My faith waivers, but Bible Doctrine reinforces my faith, and I move on with God.

Faith embraces the object of The Christ.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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