What kind of love is it that causes man to choose hell instead of God? Selfish love.
What kind of love is it that caused God to send Christ to the Cross in spite of man’s selfishness? Infinite Love.
What kind of love is it that caused God to love us so much that He died for all, and most of us either don’t care or refuse to believe? Divine love.
What kind of people, knowing that Christ died on the Cross, prefer that God leave them alone and mind His own business? Arrogant.
What kind of love does unbelieving man have? Godless love.
Which God rules your life? Jesus Christ or you? What kind of Love is God’s Love? Crowning, Glorious, Eternal, Tender, Merciful, Holy, Abiding, Wondrous, Overflowing, Unfathomable, Indescribable, Incomprehensible, Sacrificial, Heavenly, Unquenchable, Immutable, Matchless, Inextinguishable, Inextricable, Longsuffering, Purifying, Redeeming, Peaceful, Truthful, Graceful, Unselfish, Righteous, Justice, Perfect, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient.
Jesus Christ Is Love Demonstrated, Sacrificial, Unconditional, Efficacious And Absolute. God IS Love! LOVE IS GOD! God’s Love comes from His Perfect Integrity—His Perfect Integrity comes from his Perfect Love. God’s Perfect Love and God’s Perfect Integrity flow from His Perfect Righteousness which is protected by His Perfect Justice.
Love From God Must Be Inhaled And Exhaled From His Living Word Through His Risen Son By The Power Of His Wonderful Holy Spirit!