Nobility of Soul


The nobility of his soul is apparent in the Apostle Paul’s writings and sufferings. Studying the life of the great apostle Paul in his epistles we find a suffering, servant-witness, honored and humbled to serve his Master, Jesus Christ.

Paul was truly a courageous man on a spiritual journey, completely dedicated to his Savior. To this very day Paul’s epistles still speak to all who are predestined to answer the call of God.

But Paul, like you and I, struggled with his flesh the sin nature. His spirit was always willing to be obedient, but his flesh was “powerfully weak.”

Someone once (profoundly) said: “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”

Next time you kneel in the privacy of your soul, before the Lord, ask Him to help you utilize 1 John 1:9 if you need to do so. You must be filled with the Spirit in order to be controlled by the Spirit. The filling of the Spirit gives us power to resist, to say no, and overcome temptation and sin. Man’s enemies are: the world, the flesh and the devil.

Read about Paul’s spiritual battles in Romans chapter seven, verses 14-25. We all sin, that is why Christ “The Word” (John 1:1-18) came to Earth (the Incarnation).

From here, you may wish to reference our Bible Study entitled “The Sin Nature vs. The Holy Spirit“, based primarily on Romans chapters 5-8.  

Study and meditate while practicing gratitude and humility… without ceasing.

Happy Studying in Fields of Grace.



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