In Search of… The Ultimate

In the search for The Ultimate, religion exalts self to God, exalts finite values over infinite revelations. The religious self exalts itself over God. Idolatry has many faces, all designed to validate self and the ideals of self.

Existentialism makes man his own creator. Existentialism actually praises the human nature by denying God. Man says, “I am.” In this statement, man is saying, “I am whatever I conceive myself to be.” Man can deny God, deny death, and deny sin, but all three exist. Existentialists deny the very ethos of their own life. Certain people make life mystical, and the meaning of life as well. God is not a mystical figure, God is reality. God is not a mystery except to the unbeliever.

The dramas of history are not mystical. History proves at least two things: 1.) God and man (self), and 2.) Good and evil. So, we must accept the concepts of infinite and finite, morality and immorality, or we can make (declare) the meaning of life to be whatever we want it to be.

In the darkness of reason, there is no light. Darkness cannot see the light without faith. Faith must have an object. The meaning of life is objective – it is Christ.

C. S. Craig

Written April 8, 2018



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