Dreaming Faces

DREAMING FACES    Pale horses fly Across the purple twilight Ghost riders in the sky Fade away with the night Phantoms in portals begin to form Fleeting figures, misty places Delusions, til night turns to morn All is well on dreaming faces – C. S. Craig September 19, 2017  

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Memory Garden

MEMORY GARDEN   The roads of life are sweeter, shared Let us steal away if we dare On paths of wonder, winds of change   Timeless moments – life unchained Each day a new road meant for two   We’ll make a memory garden, me and you We’ll sleep in wild rose meadows deep Until the night time shadows creep……

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Soteriology: Part Four – Imputation

The Doctrine of Imputation/The Gift of Volition God created both angels and humanity, and to both God gave volition – our own individual freedom to choose. Imputation of original sin from Adam; imputation of original righteousness through Jesus Christ. The doctrine of imputation is one of the most important in Scripture because it explains our desperate need for a Savior,…

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The Rushing-In

Note: The following “Love Song” was/is inspired by “Song of Solomon,” available in Bibles near you. The Song of Songs is literally sung and most deeply felt when two become one in the arms of loving embrace. Husband and wife are gifts to each other from God, who brings them together for the purpose of intimacy and ecstasy – the…

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Look For Me There, Kiss Me There

As he held her in his arms before she departed, she whispered – “Look for me there, kiss me there.” Then, she crossed the finish line. The years have passed – the sun warms the earth As spring resurrection ends the winter curse Now, his time to depart has come And with his last breath he whispered – “I’ll look…

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As I…

As “I Am,” you died for me. As I meditate, you speak to my soul. As I study, you teach me and give me understanding. As I seek, you reveal yourself. As I search, you guide me. As I pray, you always listen. As I learn, your Word inspires me. As I breathe, your breath renews me. As I sleep,…

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Just Down the Road

There’s a place just down the road No one knows how far Where every soul must go No matter who you are There’s a place just down the road And no one can really state When they will meet the end of that road And shake the hand of fate There’s a place just down the road Where every name…

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Oh, Wind

Oh, wind, speak to me Why are you such a mystery Tell me what it is like to be Free as a breeze Oh, wind, where do you go Why do you intrigue me so Tell me, do you ever stop blowing I’m sure the answer is worth knowing  Oh, wind, of restless wonder  Do you cause the lightening, the…

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Injustice Within Us

Hiding his insecurity by overstating his greatness  The fool denies his ignorance, his weakness What is pride, is it not where we hide Is it not the advance of depravity from inside When all is said and done Man is the self-centered, fallen one  There is no structure of justice Which can cancel the injustice within us So where does…

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Walk With Me

I’d rather be taught by the pastor-teacher Than preached to by the preacher; I’d rather one would walk with me,  Than tell me where, and how, I ought to be. Sermons give advice for everyone But I’d sooner see it lived and done; My eyes listen better than my ears  Vision seems to make hearing clearer.  C. S. Craig –…

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God Spoke Creation

“Universe Be” and the universe became Eternity will never be the same Out of the void a shout was heard From light’s explosion, the universe emerged   When God spoke, nothing listened And nothing became the something missing Fireballs flashed across an endless space God set in motion His plan called Grace   “Angels, Be” and angels became Heaven will…

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Bridge of the Cross

In an old picture once, I saw a bridge of the cross People were crossing safely over a great chasm fixed Far, far below were the flames of a bottomless pit. I searched for years to find that painting again My yearning for it shall never end Till the day I cross it to my heavenly home  Face to face…

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