Revelation – The Letter From Jesus

From the Greek apokalupsis, meaning unveiling or disclosure from which we get revelation. Revelation may be defined as God making known to man that which is otherwise unknowable – the future. The Book of Revelation may be described as “A Letter from Jesus” or The Book of Consummation for the world as we know it. 

This book of prophecy, written to the seven churches in Asia by John the Apostle, is a guide and a warning regarding the circumstances and events that begin to unfold, coinciding the return of Messiah, called the “Second Coming.”

All the events in this wonderful Heavenly Book will come to pass exactly as the LORD GOD revealed through the great Apostle. The word revelation means unveiling or uncovering. Due to current events around the globe, we can sense now more than ever before the imminent return of MESSIAH. 

The calling out or up of the church (Rapture) will occur at the beginning of the Great Tribulation – a period of evil and suffering unprecedented in all of human history. If you have not decided to receive Christ (John 1:12; Acts 16:31), perhaps you should reconsider that decision. Things are about to get real. Very, very real.

Our souls are restless because we sense the end of days is near at hand. Even so come LORD JESUS.



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