
Love is a divine intrinsic attribute of God. God elected to share His love through creation, and through His Son at Calvary. Love is the character of God.

There are three categories or basic areas of love:

  1. Area One love (agapé) is a response to the love of God, also termed “occupation with Christ” (Hebrews 12:2). If you do not love God’s Word, you do not love God.
  2. Area Two love (Philos) is towards man and woman in marriage.
  3. Area Three love is towards friends.

The Word of God builds capacity for love. The more Bible doctrine you inhale, the more you will learn to love God, and the more you will appreciate the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and the more you will love and appreciate your spouse and friends.

Bible doctrine increases capacity for love and life. Bible doctrine gives us greater capacity for discernment and therefore greater capacity for love.

The expression of God’s maximum love was manifested at the cross for you.

Love is a glorious thing – a many-splendorous thing, because God is (1 Chronicles 16:27; Psalm 29:2).



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