
Inspiration means God-breathed. God-breathed means the Holy Spirit supernaturally directed the human writers of Scripture so that without wavering their individual intelligence, literary style, personal feelings, or any other human factor, they wrote God’s complete and coherent message to humanity with perfect accuracy in the original languages of Scripture, the very words bearing the absolute authority of divine authorship.

God breathed (exhaled) His Word into the writers who inhaled and wrote the infallible Word of God. The message of Scripture is inspired (2 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 4:12.)

Inspiration – “divine wind” (John 3:8). The divine wind blew upon the writers and they wrote words, written on the wind. God holds the secret processes of the wind. By His Word the world came to be – “Light, be,” and light became; “Life, be,” and life became. God exhaled into us, at the moment of our birth, our first breath, causing our first inhale, directly from Him (Reference Acts 17:25-28).

The Word of God is “living and powerful” because it has been exhaled by God for humanity to inhale. Inspiration assures us of the accuracy and authority of God’s Word when God speaks directly to us in Scripture. We need to submit ourselves to the Word of the Lord, and the Lord of the Word. “It Is Written.” 

“We know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, to know Him who is true: and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ” (1 John 5:20).



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