Isagogics – the interpretation of Scripture in its historical setting.
Categories – classification of Biblical Truths according to its subject matter.
Exegesis – a critical examination of Scripture involving the grammar, syntax, and etymology of the original languages of Scripture to verify the literal intent and interpretation of the context.
This I.C.E. method of study was originally developed by R. B. Thieme, Jr., to accurately communicate the original enlightened Truths of God’s Word.
WOTM has revised Thieme’s original concept approach with additional explanation and detail. See below:
Research and Development – tireless devotion and diligence to prayerful in depth research of The Word of God, comparing Scripture with Scripture, utilizing a regimented approach without bias.
ISOGOGICS – the science of language; the examination of the Greek and Hebrew Testaments as they transliterate to English; the original signature; the objective of the inspired author within the time-frame of the historical setting, in particular, the intended audience and culture. The original inspired writings were penned to be understood by all the generations of the future. It is extraordinary that the original Hebrew of the Old Testament, and original Greek of the New Testament, are very precise allowing for more exact interpretation and transliteration.
CATEGORICAL – the theological classification of doctrinal concepts according to subject matter, to include a “Terms and Definitions” section on this website.
EXEGESIS – the in-depth critical study, interpretation and explanation of the context; the literal intent of the original grammatical expression; the contextual and etymological analysis of Scripture, presented in a systematic format.
ADMINISTRATIONS – the “divine administrations” of history are clearly etched in time, projected for time and eternity, and exclaimed in the Word of God. These historical epochs demonstrate God’s immutable purpose — His Perfect Grace Plan for the Human situation. Each administration (dispensation) casts a dramatic light on Jesus Christ, as the focal point of ordained (divinely decreed) human history (Ephesians: 3:1-21).
C. S. Craig