
Apocatasis refers to a false doctrine, which states that: “in the end, all free, moral creatures will be saved from God’s wrath because God is love and would not damn his creation.” Apocatasis states further that: “… damnation cannot be the final manifestation of God’s love.” (Note: But, it is a final manifestation of God’s justice.)

Unfortunately this satanic counterfeit-thinking is:

  1. Prevalent in the secular world
  2. Totally disregards Scripture
  3. Satanic (false) doctrine
  4. Human-viewpoint philosophy
  5. Heresy!

God’s justice guards His righteousness. Both righteousness and justice are manifestations of God’s perfect integrity. Love is a manifestation of God’s perfect integrity. God’s love does not rule out justice. God’s justice overrules God’s love.



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