
For reference, please see Romans 8:15,23 (future adoption); Ephesians 1:5.

The Biblical concept of adoption in the New Testament is based on the Roman aristocratic function of adoption during the first century.

In Scripture, adoption means to be recognized by God as an adult son. This is our actual position at salvation. However, experientially at salvation, we are adopted babes in Christ (1 Corinthians 3:2; 1 Peter 2:2-7), without knowledge and without a strong faith.

We begin our relationship with God as newborn babes in Christ and our diet of Bible doctrine is “milk” until we are able to chew the meat (process and meditate upon God’s Word, and use it effectively). But, over time, we learn Bible doctrine, such as “The Forty Irrevocable Gifts Of Our Salvation.”

  • We learn how to be filled with the spirit.
  • We learn how to conduct ourselves as children of God the Father.
  • We learn our position in Christ.
  • We learn by the actual experiences of living the christian life.
  • And we must learn under a pastor/teacher.

By the way: Preaching is for unbelievers. Teaching is for believers. There’s a difference. If your pastor preaches instead of teaching the Word, verse by verse, perhaps you need to look around a bit and find a teaching church so that you may grow spiritually.

We are commanded by the Living God to grow up spiritually. This mandate cannot be accomplished when the congregation is preached to each Sunday.

Finally (sooner for some, longer for others) the believer can reach spiritual maturity (a spiritual grown-up, if you will). Eventually therefore, the believer at maturity becomes an adult son, which means “occupation with Christ.” His adoption status as an adult son at the point of salvation is now being lived (experienced) as a mature Christian. Along with adulthood, the adopted believer is fulfilling God’s pre-designed plan for his/her life.

The believer is operating in the grace place with maximum blessings from God, and with maximum blessing toward all those in his/her periphery.

Christ is the only begotten (uniquely-born) Son of God, and all believers are adopted sons (adult sons – positionally, in Christ, and therefore heirs with Christ, in God).

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