By C. S. Craig
October 10, 1996
This bedtime story is for children who care
About God and His angels everywhere
‘Cause angels are real, sent from above
Messengers of God to spread his love.
Now, close your eyes so your thoughts can see
Listen to my story and imagine with me.
Not long ago, on a warm summer night
The moon came out, and twas shining bright
I could see it through my window as I lie in my bed
And soon, visions of angels filled my head.
Then, suddenly, my room seemed to glow with light
I opened my eyes – I couldn’t believe my sight
There stood an angel, near the foot of my bed
Before I could speak this is what she said,
Peace! Have no fear!
The Lord has sent me here.
Her wings shined like gold and she glowed all around
I spoke not a word, I made not a sound.
My name is Anastasia, the angel said
As she reached out to touch me, I just floated from my bed
Take my hand, she whispered, so you can fly with me
To an enchanted place I want you to see.
I held on real tight and what a cool sight
As we passed through my window into the night
We flew high in the sky and into a cloud
There was lightning and thunder, but it wasn’t loud.
Then, I saw moonbeams of brilliant light
Where angels were descending into the night
We followed them down on this ray of light
Where the moon on the water was shining bright.
It sparkled like diamonds on new powered snow
And angels were frolicking to-and-fro.
Suddenly the sky opened and filled up with light
I’ve never seen such a beautiful sight
There was music and the bells of heaven ringing
And I saw angels everywhere dancing and singing.
Then, I heard God speak from somewhere above
He said, These are my angels whom I dearly love
His voice was awesome and powerful, yet so quiet and true
That it calmed me in my soul, through and through.
In heaven, God said, there are no races
Just beautiful people with different faces
There’s no hate, no sickness, no fear,
No pain no sorrow, not even a tear
Cause sin is far removed from here.
Then, God called out with a mighty shout
Come up, come hither, come all about
And the angels ascended into the light
The sky closed up and they were gone from sight.
Then, Anastasia said to me,
Now that I have shown these things to you
It’s time for me to go, I have much to do.
Oh! I want to go too, I cried
You will someday, Anastasia replied,
When your time is done and God calls you home
I will come for you again, you won’t be alone.
On that day, we will fly again, you and I
Into that beautiful light high up in the sky.
Now, I must leave you, but before I go
There’s just a few things that you need to know:
God wants His angels to help children behave
And believe in His Son so they can be saved.
Normally, you can’t see angels, but we are everywhere
Helping all God’s children unaware.
Then, as she flew from my sight, Anastasia exclaimed
I hope you’ll always remember this very special night
And, until next time, be good girls and boys
And be sure to thank God for all your toys.