Words of Stone


Where do we find happiness or peace of mind?

Is the answer in alcohol and wine?

Is it just out of reach ?

Is it at the beach?

Where do we find happiness or peace of mind?

Is the answer in fortune we all seek to find ?

Is it with some little honey?

Is it really found in money?

Where do we find happiness or peace of mind?

Why are they so short lived in time?

Is the answer in recognition?

Is it in prohibition?

Peace of mind and happiness

Are found I must confess…

Not in time spent idle, but in the Bible.

So, why does man look in all the wrong places?

The world is full of deceptive faces.

Why don’t people believe?

Why are they so easily deceived?

The Bible sits on the shelf, and people live for self.

Human nature has its ways

Evil in all its days.

Walk humbly and slowly with God and his Word

Listen to His voice, let Him be heard

Happiness and peace are written in stone

Promises from God for you alone.

C. S. Craig

June 20, 2001



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