This message comes from heaven above
It’s written to you with all my love
The Lord called me home, but your grief must change
‘Cause I no longer suffer sickness and pain
Listen to my words and be of cheer
As I tell you what’s happened since I arrived here
I was immediately ushered before the Throne of Grace
Christ held my hand and touched my face
I died for you, he said, and faith you did keep
I fell to my knees and kissed his feet
As he whispered – you’re home where believers belong
All heaven rejoiced in beautiful song
His eyes are like fire in a diamond stone
A rainbow like an emerald surrounds his throne
Water runs from it, crystal clear never cold
The streets are formed with the purest gold
Then Jesus led me to the place He prepared
No building on earth can be compared
It is not built of wood, clay or stone
His light and His love fill my beautiful home
If you could only see me and all these things
And listen as I do when the angels sing
You would stop grieving and go on with your life
‘Cause I’m with my Savior – Jesus Christ
C. S. Craig – 12/13/95
The Lord said: “But, go on now to the end of your life and your rest; for you will rise again and have your full share of those last days” (Daniel 12:13).