Press On, Weary Warrior

We all face the same choice at least once: Turn from God or turn to Him. Learn God – learn God’s perspective. God’s solutions to our troubles were determined before the world was created. God has a plan against evil (Galatians 4:4; 1 Peter 1:18-20).

So, “the justified will live by faith” (Habakkuk 2:4). “Live by faith…” three little words with great significance – they express how we are saved and how we live (Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11).

Press on! (Hebrews 10:37-39). God’s Word is music to and for humanity’s heart (pathos in Greek), where the deeper things are appreciated in our soul – by singing them to God, we are blessed.

The jubilance of faith is inner peace and joy at its highest, even when circumstances are at their worst.

The believer’s life is, at best, a shadow of what it shall be. Life is a foretaste of glory divine. No matter how tough it gets now, we will be rewarded in heaven by keeping the faith.

A relaxed mental attitude in adversity is a sign of spiritual maturity.

Happy studying!

—C. S. Craig October 25, 2020

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