Okay, what does that mean? Divine operating assets can be viewed as a God-given toolbox, one full of tools for use in specific situations while you’re operating within the realms of your daily life.
The right tool for the right job.
A dark house on a dark street may not be visible. But if the night lights are on, on the inside, we see the light. The house takes on a beauty of it’s own. When the Holy Spirit controls our life (through our thinking, and thinking first, not emoting) our soul is lighted by His power in us. But what is the mechanic of soul-light? To be ‘lighted’ for duty, for guidance, please read 1 John 1:1; 2:8.
The point of studying God’s Word and the filling ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify God. It is the Holy Spirit that glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the Holy Spirit that glorifies God (See John 16:7; 16:14).
John 7:39 reads: “the Holy Spirit was not yet given; because Jesus was not yet glorified.” After Christ ascended and sat down at the right hand of the Father in glorification, the Holy Spirit came to glorify Christ on earth. Christ had to be absent from the earth before the Holy Spirit could begin His ministry of glorification.
Only the invisible ministry of God the Holy Spirit can execute the Christian way of life in Christ. Leading a spiritually dynamic life is dependent on the dominating control of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life.
No human being can glorify Christ! The command in 1 Corinthians 6:20 “glorify God in your body” can be fulfilled only through the balance of residency in the ‘filling control of the Holy Spirit,’ and Bible doctrine resident in our soul. As long as you live in your present body, the Sin Nature (or Adamic Nature) will co-exist with the indwelling Holy Spirit as a permanent resident of the body. This results in a constant struggle for dominance within every believer between the sin nature and the Holy Spirit. When the sin nature controls, we are carnal. When the Holy Spirit controls we are spiritual. Our volition (choices) determines which one will control.
Choose to stay in The Word. Choose to apply The Word. Remember, you are a child of the Living God. Upon your shoulders lies a royal mantle, and on your head, a royal crown. Let us remember these things, and keep God first in our minds, and make the right decisions, free from emotional input, in our daily lives. Walk with Him and talk with Him along life’s narrow way.
Recognize this: At the same time Christ was fulfilling the Law during His life, He was controlled by the Spirit, and He produced the characteristics of love, peace and all the fruits of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5: 22,23. Therefore, my brothers and sisters in Christ, when we are in fellowship with the Lord we are FILLED with the Spirit, and the Spirit produces in us the very character of the humanity of Christ, and this is how God is glorified; this is the way we fulfill the Law—”the Law of the Spirit of life IN Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:2).
Our ‘Divine Operating Asset’ is the Holy Spirit. The Spirit glorifies Christ and the Father by His controlling ministry on the inside. It is the Spirit operating in us that glorifies Christ. We must be of the same purpose as Christ, which was to glorify the Father. We must be of the same purpose as the Holy Spirit, which is to glorify Christ. You will never be a member of a better team than the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Be sure you keep current in confession so that the Holy Spirit is currently in control.
Blessings in Fields of Grace. Happy Studying.