Heavenly Messages from the Bible – Part One: “The Living Bible”

“The spirit-filled, supernatural Bible is the most precious book ever written, the most important knowledge ever given, and the most important record this world will ever possess. There in not anything more important than the Word of God.” – C. S. Craig  “Truly, there is nothing truer in all the world than the Word of God.” – C. S. Craig…

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The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer, as taught by Christ our Savior and Lord The Prayer of Simple Faith. The believer’s model for prayer. We are to pray in this manner. Matthew 6:9-13: What does each phrase express? What is the Lord teaching us by these precious words? Well, He is teaching us… To be specific. To be reverent. To be basic. To…

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STAR-FLIER   Our fleshly lives are but a flash-fire, doused by Eternal Water. The twilight years prepare our needy soul for destiny in Christ. Soon, the gathering in the sky; flight with angels on high. No longer a world-crier but a star-flier, singing wind-songs in heavenly chorus, praising God forever more.    C. S. Craig – July 19, 2020  …

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Christian Objective

The Christian objective is to be conformed to the “Image of Christ” (Romans 8:29) “by the renewing of our minds.” We must continually renew our minds with the “mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16). Our objective is to be “imitators” of Christ (1 Corinthians 4:16; Ephesians 5:1). We are to become a spiritually mature believer, at which point we have…

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Truth is Absolute

We can learn truth and think truth, but God is Truth. Truth is a person – Jesus Christ. The Bible is not only true, it is Truth – “Thy Word is Truth.” Every category of Truth is an aspect of God’s perfect purpose and design. God doesn’t learn truth – God is Truth. There exists the Trinity of Truth: The…

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Good, Great, Chief Shepherd  

GOOD, GREAT, CHIEF SHEPHERD The following footnote on John, chapter 10, verse 11 is from the Lindsell Study Bible, Concordance, Published by Tyndale, Page 164: “Christ is called the Good Shepherd in John 10:11, the Great Shepherd in Hebrews 13:20, and the Head or Chief Shepherd in 1 Peter 5:4. The Good Shepherd died for His sheep, the Great Shepherd…

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Prophecy – Chronological Events of the Last Days

SUMMARY COMMENTARY OF GOD’S INEVITABILITY CHRONOLOGICAL EVENTS OF THE LAST DAYS RAPTURE TRIBULATION SECOND COMING OF CHRIST/ARMAGEDDON MILLENNIUM GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT ETERNITY This study is primarily concerned with the next great event on the calendar of prophecy:   THE COMING RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH The Rapture of the Church refers to the events prophesied in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18; John 14:2-3….

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Heavenly Messages from the Bible: Part Five – “Empowered Mentality”

EMPOWERED MENTALITY “The mentality of mankind needs both the empowerment and the enlightenment that only God can give through His fascinating Word.”   This part five of our study is designed with you the reader in mind. The purpose is to challenge you to consider God’s viewpoint regarding all the details and circumstances in life. Think God, then seek God before…

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The Stone Rolled Away

“And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it” Matthew 28:2. The cross of Christ is the portal to immortality. The stone was removed by the angel, but the living Christ had already come forth with the morning light….

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Thinking Good and Evil – Part One

The story of mankind, presented by God, written by man, begins in Genesis and consummates in Revelation with the events of the last days. From Genesis to Revelation the perfect plan of God, is being lived-out. The scroll of time/history/creation is constantly rolling out as ordained by our Heavenly Father through His creation. When Adam chose to think independently of…

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The Angelic Infiltration

ANGELIC INFILTRATION Genesis Chapter Six opens with a brief statement regarding the antediluvian (pre-flood) civilization. It reads: “Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them.” “Men” is a generic term and refers to all mankind. “Daughters” means more than that – it actually refers to an…

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Before The Beginning Of Human History

Before the beginning of time (human history), there always was the triune God. At some point before God created the universe, before God created mankind, God chose to create a vast host of powerful, rational creatures called angels, who would reside with Him (Colossians 1:16; Psalm 103:21; 148:2). Chief of the angels was lucifer, until he rebelled against God and…

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Silver Brushstrokes

 Silver Brushstrokes   Branches stretch reaching out  With crooked arms twisted fingers Fearful shadows linger not   The forest begins its nightly moves   The western twilight fades  Into misty-smooth serenity The breath of God becomes the frost That  performs its secret ministry   Frosted trees form crystal archways  Grasses form crystal pendants   God with silver brush-strokes Paints the scenic stillness …

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Resurrection Celebration 

In the First Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians (A.D. 54); Chapter one, verse 10, we read: “and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus, who delivered us from the wrath to come.” We, as believers, await Christ’s return. To await Christ’s return (vs. 10) and to serve the Living and True…

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Glory Returned to Glory

Glory Returned To Glory   Midday gathered in midnight darkness Sirocco winds brought nimbus clouds, forbidden sun Silence atomic – sins poured out, His awful scream Spiritual separation from The Father, The Spirit Thunderbolts cracked, igniting the heavens The earth stood still, trembling, shaking violently  Then the exhale – “IT IS FINISHED!”  Three days in the grave, a burst of…

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Bible Study – “It is written”

“It Is Written!” “The foundation for knowledge is the Bible.” – C. S. Craig When Christ began His earthly ministry, He overcame the temptations of the devil with a threefold statement: “It is written.” Then, on the cross, He defeated the devil with our salvation by stating “It is finished.“ These two declarations of Christ still echo through history and…

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To be determined beforehand. Predetermination: before anything can be predetermined, there must be foreknowledge – certain knowledge – divine knowledge. That knowledge which only God can know is based on the sovereignty of God – His essence – who and what God IS. (See Foreknowledge.)    

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Current Events

CURRENT EVENTS: LOOK UP! Every crisis in the life of a believer is allowed by God, for His purpose. God has a definitive plan for each believer. God’s plan is designed to glorify God and to focus attention on the Person and work of Christ and the grace of God. Now, please read that a second time. God does not…

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Four Civilizations

There are four civilizations (different from dispensations): Antediluvian Civilization: began with Adam and ended with judgment by the flood. Post-diluvian Civilization: began with Noah and family after the flood and ends with Second Advent of Christ and Baptism of Fire. Millennial Civilization: begins with tribulation saints and terminates with unbelievers being cast into lake of fire. Eternal Civilization: begins with…

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