The LORD demonstrates His power in the winds, the whirlwinds and the storms.
At the LORD’S command the rivers rise and the rivers dry up.
The lush green forests wilt, and the pastures wither.
The mountains tremble, and the hills melt.
The earth quakes, nations rise and fall.
The earth turns, life endures.
Thank you LORD for your “absolute veracity and perfect wisdom by which you created the realities of life. The works of your hands are truth and justice. Your precepts are certain.” Psalm 111:6.
Meditate on God
Divine omniscience. Unlimited intellect. The Word of His Power. The Power of His Word.
There is intelligent design – a rational plan – an order to the universe.
The cornerstone of thought is the foundation of meaning – Jesus Christ revealed Father-God.
The grandeur of creation is a testimony, one sufficient for man to recognize God. Rejecting the existence of Creator God and His Son, Jesus Christ is unpardonable.
By the life-giving breath of His mouth, we exist. “Life, Be!“
Praise Him, Praise Him, all ye little children. God is Love and Justice.
What an honor to learn and serve The Great I AM – God.
What a privilege I have in my own devoted loving born-again son. I am not worthy of his devotion.
– March 29, 2021