Ill-defined terms and ambiguous statements are linguistic devices, ones employed by political propagandists in the art of persuasion and suggestion, and usually arouse emotional appeal that directs the people’s attitudes and decisions, usually to their own detriment. Social media has mastered the art of propaganda so that untruth becomes truth, and truth becomes untruth, and many of the weak-minded are easily swayed.
How could a loving God judge us? How could a loving and just God love me?
Beget or Begotten means to bring into being. Is that awesome or what?
Sin is a personal issue, therefore Christ died for each person, personally. Sin is a product of human nature, this is why we need a new nature in Christ.
As for you and me, we must go our way until the end. We will rest (our body, in the grave), and then, at the end of days, we will rise again (reunited with our body which will be transformed) to receive the inheritance set aside for us (Daniel 12:13; Revelation 14:13).
We have three days of Easter: Good Friday, the grave on Saturday – silence and sorrow, on Sunday, rejoicing. History grinds on.
God’s word proclaims our sin. Our own experiences and our own conscience (through the conviction of the Holy Spirit) cry out that we are sinners. Therefore, we need a thorough going-over, a cleansing, a resurrection to a new life in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17-21).
Yahweh – Lord. Yah (YHWH) is the only proper name for God, used 6, 828 times in the Bible. Elohim (plural of Eloah) appears 2,250 times, and is generic and refers to Deity – true God. Theos = God. Elohim = fullness, trinity, divine power.
It is important to remember that the cup of Christ’s suffering-cross was not removed (Luke 22:39-46).
The ageless story of God the Father of all living (life), and His Son Jesus Christ – God suffered pain for His Son’s death, and joy for having His family back. There is a price for all life; there is a payment for every price.
People follow each other. People follow their own desires, living for themselves, choosing not to live for God by faith in Christ. People choose the world rather than the cross. What a shame.
All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.