Thoughts To Ponder In Your Walk With The Lord (Part Twenty-One)

The blinding flash of Justice, the thunderous tones of Judgment…

…so it was on the cross when Christ died.

The ultimate state of salvation is glorification. Then, Christ ascended into Glory.

No sacrifice is too great for the soul that has grasped the concept of genuine humility.

Sanctification is the reason we are here – lost people need regeneration by justification through faith in Christ.

Have you touched the crucified Savior? To be touched by the Savior one is instantly quickened into eternal life – the spirit is quickened. We are quickened together with Christ. “Because I live, you shall live also” (John 14:19b).

The more the believer learns of his Master, the more the believer’s love rises to mountainous dimensions of sovereign grace. Praise Him, all you little children. God is love.

The unbeliever is spiritually dead to God, dead to faith, and dead to grace, so that the Holy Spirit Himself has to intervene to help the unbeliever, at the point of salvation, to believe.

There is a preponderance of scholarship written about Jesus Christ, yet we lack certain information. The Gospels only cover a small percentage of His life, and we know very little of what even He looked like. The Bible simply states that he was lowly, a plain, less-than-ordinary-looking man – someone you’d not look at twice.

Human-viewpoint preaching from the pulpit hides the real Jesus Christ – the true realities of Who and What God is. Jesus Christ is exactly Who I want my God to be. The truths of Jesus’s words comfort me intellectually, while His grace comforts me emotionally.

Human history grinds on as we live the period between the promise and the fulfillment – the crucifixion and the second coming.

This life is a place in time between two eternities.

Rain tapping on the metal roof.

The sand dunes autographed by the wind.

Life is like a flame, destined to go out.

Our memory is a clay tablet upon which life is indelibly inscribed.

Truth exists as it always has, in the ideal realm of the divine.

Christ descended to assume our sorrows and trials in order to elevate individual souls.

The divine has established the laws necessary for conquest of our nature to sin – knowing good and evil. The true road to culture is the transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Christ must be, and remain, the object of mankind’s faith and survival – the foundation of culture. Good and evil must be held in the equilibrium at the least.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.

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