Am I building God up… or myself?
The storytellers of Scripture are more than storytellers, they are messengers of God.
The classroom is in the stillness of the soul as the Holy Spirit speaks, teaches, convicts, and assures the believer of eternal things.
Truth is not a function of one’s opinion or perspective, it is not based on culture or education; it is not a matter of personal choices. In other words, truth is never relative – it is a relationship with God. God is a person; truth is a person. Reality and truth cannot be changed as both come from God. To be anti-realistic is to be anti-God. Therefore, I am a realist.
A relativist is self-contradictory, therefore relativism is just another false ideology. Contradiction: “It’s true that there is no truth.” Sincere belief does not make truth truth any more than sincere belief makes untruth truth – truth is absolute and therefore applicable to everyone, with no exceptions.
Relativism will always be selective, and a matter of personal views, such as God’s existence, sexual morality, or convenience – a personal agenda. Relativism serves the conscience and the lust-patterns of the human sin nature – the soul’s appetites and the cravings of the flesh. Relativism is another false religion that contradicts God and truth.
All about us the leaves tremble in the unseen winds from God. Evidence of God is all around us. The universe was created for our benefit and for God’s glory. Creation – all of it – is God’s proof of His existence. All around us we can observe God’s magnificence in the intricate inter-dependent functions of creation. It is man who caused himself to be separated from God. God, in foreknowledge, created the universe and all it contains so we could delight in our God.
God incarnated (became man) to die for us, in our place, so we could delight in Him. All about us are the mysteries of God, waiting to be discovered. Only man can appreciate creation – only man can question. Only God has all the answers. Because God is both Creator and Savior, only God is worthy of our worship. Jesus Christ is the monumental guidepost that lights the trail through history.
All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.